Thoughts? Any Agrium layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
Agrium Layoffs 2018
I want to let you know that people are anxious and tense as they expect layoffs in corporate in Calgary.
Just announced 50% of IT organization outsourced and laid off
Announced to those affected today. 125-150 people, mostly operations and administration. Outsourced to a yet unnamed "global provider" (codeword for India).
Agrium Requires Assets In Order To File Property Taxes
Agrium has notified the IT employees at a specific campus that they have to provide a list of computers that they use and where they're located. Not a big issue; normal asset tracking, right? Well, they say that the reason is so that they can file... — read more
Reorg and Layoffs in 2014 and 2015?
Do you have more info on the planned reorg?
Potash layoffs Agrium
Any news here?