Employee appreciation care package came in the mail today from NatGen president Peter Rendall with a card, “Thanks for all you're doing to make NatGen success. Our future looks great and the best is yet to come.” Interesting for him to be so... — read more
Tom has the same health insurance as all other workers
So he is ultimately in the same boat coverage wise.
ASC platform - will it lead to additional reductions?
We are converting to the ASC quoting platform in a few days. All of the training modules appear to be self service bypassing an agent or agency staff. We can guide the customer, but they can also do everything themselves. Opinion? Is this... — read more
A Contemporary Company
To become more contemporary doesn’t solely requiring being younger….To become more accepting of change and difference isn’t solely generational….To be innovative doesn’t require you be a technologist, designer or newbie to the company or effort….Stop... — read more
HR CHRO leaving
Did you all see the email about the EVP/CHRO of Human Resources is leaving????? Wow this is alarming, this is the second VP leaving. It seems like the turnover rate at this company is intensely increasing
OBD Certification - What a Joke!
The latest madness these id--ts have decided to roll out is this new practice where everyone needs to be at least Bronze certified by EOY! This is supposed to "provide clarity to what it means to be operational within the OBD model." Countless... — read more
I have heard that the ANI enhanced redundancy package has been halved, is there any truth to this?
AIP Layoffs ???
Has anyone heard anything ?
Newbie here
Will layoffs be in October for sure? Or rumors are based on the usual way things are done? Are the last ones employed more likely to be first to go, or there are other criteria for layoffs? I’m just worried I’ll be out before I warm up my chair. — read more
We all know how it goes. Allstate has had layoffs every October of the year for the past several years. They are pretty predictable. Are you currently training an Indian? Is your manager acting weird? Were you given the lowest rating your performance... — read more
National General
Nat Gen is in for a rude awakening after the big announcement yesterday. They are finally coming under the Allstate Claims. Most of the lazy adjusters in Nat Gen have no idea of what is about to hit them.
Allstate Allstate Allstate
Ive been at Allstate for about 3 years. I was hired in the 2021/2022 Hiring rush, you know the rush where they were hiring all the new engineers and consultants on high salaries trying to be “innovative”. Anyways, I like my job here. But I do notice... — read more
India takeover
Allstate is quadrupling the India reps. If you are a claim rep, prepare for more issues and to be blamed for customer frustration. I will say some of the reps are good but they are impossible to connect with and customers simply are not pleased.
Layoffs Coming (I think)
I was an executive at Sears years ago. Left, went to a different company, now I am now at Allstate and have been for about 4 years. Want my opinion? I think Allstate lacks diversity in their leadership, just like Sears did. Everyone has either been... — read more
CRA’s any idea why higher ups want to sit with you?
Any reason why higher ups are scheduling sit a longs with CRA 1’s and 2’s??
Has the time come?
Even considering the content on this board may contain some filler and B$, its clear from the total volume and history not all of it is- and also that Allstate has little to no regard for its employees. Yes...the company is managed only for the... — read more
Any of the FOCs experiencing layoffs ?
Foc = family of companies
Any of the FOC’s experiencing layoffs?
FOC = Family of companies
D&IS getting realigned (ripped apart) across ACE and ESS and PLT.
Allstate Training Overhaul
Looks like big blue is going to move all training under one department. Lots of layoffs coming, in Claims training too, even though the record hiring rate continues due to adding CAT adjusters and people jumping ship.
Tiny Tom continues dismantling the business
Wrong people are promoted to management positions
The three most toxic managers of my 20+ years long career have been at Allstate, including my current manager. All three of them have zero people skills and yet they were put into positions where they're supposed to manage and lead. I could deal with... — read more
Tom has a Net Worth of $400M +
Got to give the guy credit for a career of hard work and smart investments to become extremely wealthy. He is among the Chicago Elite!
Anyone who’s been laid off actually receive their severance?
How did we do for the second quarter?
The idea that Allstate subscribed to practices of the COS are 100 % inaccurate. Flat out deceptive. I was there, I saw, and know what did and did not occur. Stop with blatant lies.
Agency Chat?
What in the world happened to agency chat? All of a sudden as of last week we have hours long hold times and a lot of transferring around. Did they have recent layoffs there? Is the prior outage affecting them? All of a sudden it has just gotten... — read more
Cco having layoffs?
Anybody heard about layoffs in cco?
Now that Allstate has taken over NG and merged us into their system, I am scared! Allstate doesn't like redundant roles. I was part of the 2020 layoffs with Allstate. I thought I was safe at NG. Now not so much!!
Do we know which areas are hit?
Is anyone safe?
Layoffs happening this week
I just heard from a people I know were laid off today. Just a heads up that more are probably coming
Crowdstrike outage?
When systems fixing please? Please kindly advise.
BS posts
All these posts are bull cr-p. I work in ASC AND I WANT OUT!!!!! You guys keep talking about massive layoffs, okay then WHEN??????????????? Can we get some real insight
Hasta la vista (July 15 2024)
Apparently tomorrow is the day of execution. It was a good run, but there just isn’t enough profit this quarter. Sure, it may adversely affect you, ruin your marriage, force your family into homelessness, and drive some toward self-deletion. But... — read more
Confirmation of changes to severance as of 7/1?
Giving this its own thread since becoming a hot topic. Can anyone confirm the recently reported changes to the severance plan?
Just ANI?
Anybody else targeted?
Allstate hacked
Allstate was among 9 companies recently hacked. Received notification on 7/5 that my Employee ID, SSN & financial account impacted in the data breach.Company is providing Identity monitoring. Anyone else... — read more
ANI Layoffs are coming
Leaders in ANI have been made aware of layoffs and who it will affect. They are just waiting for HR appointments to be sent to individuals affected
Phone message recd on 7-5
So I turned on my phone this morning to begin my day and was greeted with some sort of automated message which stated “you will be receiving an invite today for a mandatory meeting on 7-8 where your employment status will be discussed effective... — read more