Topics regarding layoffs at Anadarko Petroleum Corp.

Topics regarding layoffs at Anadarko Petroleum Corp.

As we approach 1 yr

Ok. As those of us left who are approaching 1 year at Oxy. I have a few questions for you. 1a. Were you forced to stay? (The Why or How) 1b. If not, what made you want to stay? Are you wanting to leave? What do you think will happen... — read more 

| 6519 views | | 9 replies (last October 6, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+1624Vi8Y

VSPs Revoked!

Last week a group of LAPC with approved VSP exit dates of Aug had their VSP revoked. Honoring an agreement means nothing to Oxy and the upper management. They were forced to sign a new employment agreement for most with an exit of end of 2021 or... — read more 

LAPC insurance

For LAPC who took the package last fall, how long was tour insurance paid? I’m trying to figure how many months to ask for and when to expect paying COBRA after accepting an offer. Thanks.

COC is not automatic

You have to resign to get coc payments. You have to resign within 90 days of a significant event citing particulars of what material change prompted your resignation. Oxy will decide if event warrants coc payments. If no, you go to... — read more 

CoC in Bankruptcy for L-APC

Bankruptcy Court’s holding that severance claims are entitled to priority treatment up to the maximum amount provided by Bankruptcy Code 11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(4) Bankruptcy Code: an employee is entitled to priority treatment of “allowed unsecured... — read more 

COBRA coverage

Has anyone reached the 6 month timeframe yet and got paperwork with option to elect COBRA? I think it goes for 1.5 years after the 6 months. Is this process working?


Is Conoco ready for CVX? Final missing touches and ready to go.

What's the deal with COBRA?

I got a package regarding COBRA couple of weeks ago. It states something about expressing an interest to sign for it before March or you will lose the option? My understanding is that we have 6 months healthcare and then COBRA will kick in for 1.5... — read more 

| 2816 views | | 2 replies (last January 22, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+1374q5rB

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