Do you think there will be Automatic Data Processing layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
who is left at ADP after this summer?
Person I know cannot even get them to send promised severance. ADP has not finished their side of the process a month and half later.
Even less communication and leadership before being let go?
Question for those who have been let go… was communication on your team more scarce than usual before the layoff happened? Its never been a strong suit of my current manager and lately he’s really dropping the ball on everything. We think there is... — read more
ADP needs a union
After exceeding performance and receiving a .65% bonus from leaders (and CEO graciously adding 2% to try and placate employees), does anyone else feel a union is needed? They are cutting from the people lowest on the foodchain, who could use the... — read more
Layoffs, restructuring, recession OH MY!
Layoffs - check. But let’s be clear, it should be a surprise. It happens regularly and on a regular cadence. Restructuring - Check”ing”. New SLT on-board. Note - Might affect Layoffs above. Recession - what will the Fed do?
WIN Bonus after Layoffs?
I can’t find any of the WIN bonus anymore. Looks like the site was removed. Anyone know if the layoffs impacted bonuses?
Interviewing at ADP
I’m going into a final interview round at ADP HQ and just learned about the layoffs. I have to say it’s making me rethink wanting to work there. I’m currently at another company that has had rounds of layoffs and don’t want to jump ship for something... — read more
Really angry at age discrimination
And whoever now starts being contrarian, don’t forget you’ll be our age one day and sc--wed over by becoming unemployable after age of 55.
Client Here, No Longer Supportive of ADP
VP of HR here, well aware of the layoffs at ADP and disgusted by the approach the company is taking toward letting go of long tenured employees. I'm always looking at the bottom line but also treat our employees with respect. I tip my hat to all the... — read more
Where would you apply for a job after ADP?
I’ve been with ADP for a while, and the latest layoffs made me start considering other jobs. I don’t want to find myself with too few opportunities after spending too long here.
Not laid off, but still affected by it
I don’t know how the rest of you are doing, but this particular round was very stressful and sad for me. I’m staying (for now), but I saw many good people who have been here for quite some time being let go. It made me think about how we are... — read more
Consolidated layoffs thread
Pls guys, put the info in this one thread so we can follow easily. Good luck to us all, especially those who have already been affected - I hope you’ll find another job soon.
So it begins.....
The layoffs have begun under the premise of job elimination. Targeting the older workers first, and then moving on to more tenured associates.
Turnover numbers at ADP? Is it bad?
We got an email about sending new hires a my moment recognition message in the first few weeks on the job and that sounds nice but made me wonder how bad turnover is and is this a way to try to beg people to stay? Does anyone know if turnover is... — read more
ADP US based Layoff coming in June 2024, Leadership team informed
More to come by Mid of April month.
Automatic Data Processing Layoffs 2024
Do you think there may be small/medium/large Automatic Data Processing layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
2024 layoffs
Will they start in January or later?
Stock in the toilet
When is the next hatchet falling?
Application Outages and Impact on Performance
Over the past couple of months ADP has suffered huge impacts from the applications/platforms being unavailalbe (WFN, RUN, Mobile) - how secure will jobs be if the systems/platforms keep crashing and clients leave?
Severance Package
I am thinking of retiring after 40 years of service with ADP..has anyone received a severance package at time of retirement?
Why hasn’t service unionized?
Just curious if anyone has given any thought as to why to the service “front line” hasn’t unionized? We’re treated like cr-p.. promotions are given to the favorites. Seniority means nothing and any remote is shunned for promotions. at least with a... — read more
Work at one of these 10 companies if you want to be happy at your job
Imagine reading this, finding ADP on the list, and then joining and being hit over the head with all the toxicity and other cr-p we have to deal with every day. Lists like this are dangerous... — read more
Homeshore Employees?
Any word or chatter on if they are trying to do away with homeshore associates?
How bad are YE comp #’s?
Anyone know at what % the pool is funded at?
probably spent it all taking sales to Ireland..
Bonus Pool?
Can anyone comment on how the bonus pool looks this year?
ADP selling Elk Grove Village building fall 2023
ADP is selling the Elk Grove Village building in fall 2023. Email said associates working there will be moved to a new location yet TBD. Don’t know why they’d bother getting a new space when they only want to hire in one ADP locations which EGV is... — read more
Employees going to competitors
If ADP doesn’t recognize that we were more productive and increasing income while working at home, then they are out of touch. >Many of our jobs need minimal collab. We worked from him for a long time. RTO caused many to go to competitors that... — read more
Division president ‘if you can’t be in office 3 days a week maybe adp isn’t the place for you’
Division president sent a video talking about return to office and at the end made the comment above. I guess he thinks the contributions of people who have been working from home for years (because adp closed their offices) are worthless? and the... — read more
Layoffs or win as one bonuses?
Has there been word if the win as one bonus is still effective this year?
Get into the green scene ADP 4 my environment
Got an email boasting ADP reduced its 2020 electricity consumption by 65000 mwh reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45000 metric tons. Was the proof reader let go? 2020 was when the pandemic hit so OF COURSE ADP saved on electricity because its... — read more
It’s nearly layoff season
Do we know anything yet about the next major round? I’m mostly wondering if it’ll be in April or May since I doubt it’ll happen any later than that. Not only is that the usual layoff time but with all the cuts happening in all industries, I’d be... — read more
It makes me sick - I have a team that works 60-70 hrs per week, and I can’t get approval for a simple expense for a dinner out. Look at the opulence of MoM.
Leadership changes
Carols saying it was a privilege to be the CEO for the past eleven years makes me want to vomit. He put thousands of employees out of work during his poor leadership and ADP has been a dumpster fire ever since.
Any insight into changes with the new leadership?
What changes are expected given the leadership changes at ADP?
Ha ha ha ha ha……
What can I say…… truer words were never spoken.