Went through our ceo LinkedIn all the companies he was ceo has been sold or acquired.
Does dropping CC customers below 200 users surprise anyone?
By June 30, 2025 - Customers below the 200-seat minimum must terminate their subscription term without penalty by providing Avaya written notice. Effective June 30, 2025, Avaya will no longer deliver or support the AXP service bundles with Avaya... — read more
UK Office Closure
Jeez, the once great UK territory now closing its last office (London) and what's left of the workforce is now going to be WFH - what a sad indictment of disastrous leadership past and present.....
How long can we survive
How long can we survive...
ZK must PROVE his Knowledge...This is getting OLD🛑🛑🛑🛑
As a former employee, I am curious why there has not been a signed deal with the union as if yet. Last update was 11/23.
Stabilize Revenue
Many people here post negative comments. Without making personnel an issue, how would you stabilize revenue. That’s the real problem. What would you do?
Does anyone know what the redundancy package includes?
How many more layoffs?
The Nov. 2024 Fitch report concluded Avaya's liquidation value is $540M, based on a 5.5x multiple of $128M EBITDA. Further, Fitch estimates a 10% yearly decline in revenues moving forward. Assuming the current owners want a competitive return on... — read more
ONWARD & 🔻↘️📉 Downward! Alvaria Aspect Play
PD is an ineffective leader and is a conditioned boy for private equity. Zero ability to innovate or find growth strategies. He will "dial-it-in" just like he did with Aspect. And sadly, he will likely be even lazier this time and figure out... — read more
🚫 Good! Fitch Affirms Avaya IDR at 'CCC+' Wed 13 Nov, 2024 -
Fitch Ratings - Toronto - 13 Nov 2024: Fitch Ratings has affirmed the Long-Term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of Avaya Holdings Corp. and Avaya LLC (collectively, Avaya) at 'CCC+'. Fitch has also affirmed the 'B-' with Recovery Rating of 'RR3'... — read more
Fully Expecting HR Actions Next Week
Purely speculation but it seems to be the pattern since October 2024
What's the latest?
It would be great if someone could post an update on all things Avaya. Perhaps, the latest on regional layoffs and any, possible, sale of the company.
How is APJ going under PZ?
I’ve been out of the loop since leaving, but curious if anything has changed in APJ
UK Business Update
Hearing there was a call this morning in the UK with the announcement of approx. 70 folks to be let go by March 31st. Let us hope that the UK leadership is included in the numbers...
Does anyone have any work?
Here on the east coast.. all dressed up with nowhere to go? Is d.c. work done?
✓Has Anyone Validated the True Revenue that is booked from these "so called" G1500?
✓ Has anyone validated the true revenue that is booked from these so called G1500? Or is this just another "trust us" smoke and mirrors?My take is that maybe 350-550 customers produce enough revenue for Avaya to try to keep managing. However, many... — read more
BYA AVAYA!! Game OVER! None of the "sMSFT is considered toast! uggested" buyers will spend a penny on #Avaya. Even $
DeepSeek has pulled the curtains back 🔙 on BS Tech. And Avaya isn't even in the same class as technology companies. They just hope the smoke and mirrors game will get a real tech company to buy. Never. GAME OVER😭😔😭😔😭
Total chaos at work
I thought the last job was a nightmare with how disorganized it was, but now I’m at Avaya, and it’s even worse. Every single thing feels like it’s falling apart here. The chaos is non-stop. It's honestly hard to see how things could improve at this... — read more
Avaya Canada
Is there anyone left? everyone I know was let go last Tuesday/Wednesday.
Who's offices are closing as Avaya transforms?
And we let ML run out the man who was adopted by the Saudi Prince. Foolish Avaya. Foolish, Foolish, Foolish...
I’m holding on until I find something else
It’s just more rational to stick around while searching for another job; otherwise, I would have quit long ago. I’ve been actively looking for a couple of months now, and it’s not as bad out there as I expected—though it really depends on what you're... — read more
The 1500
So who are the 1500 top customers?
Avaya's failing is not your failing
With all the layoffs in the last 2 years (I'm including the "early retirement" packages), there is lots of talk and postings that demean Avayans. I take issue with that. Avayans are largely not the problem. Many tried to tell and guide the... — read more
Avaya Industry RAGS are the Short Bus of Journalism
At least this one didn't quote a skewed source that is also on Avaya payroll like their sister publication did yesterday. https://www.uctoday.com/unified-communications/avaya-plagued-by-more-layoffs/ However, sadly, they made a ridiculous... — read more
Dont give KT, Dont Document anything
Don't give KT to anyone, Don't document anything. Once you transfer your knowledge you will be fired. Play safe, Play selfish
There’s nothing left for us here
Do whatever you can to find another job. Even if you make it through 2025 (which is doubtful), there's no reason to stay on a sinking ship. Just collecting a paycheck—especially when it's not a great one—should never be enough for anyone. This place... — read more
The Avaya Layoffs Spread, Leaving Some Regions Thread Bare
Avaya continues to make global layoffs, with Europe and the Middle East hit particularly hard. While many online have suggested that this represents another round of cuts, it’s a continuation of those that Avaya announced in... — read more
Can we get more info on layoffs, please? What's happening, what's getting hit? We haven't heard anything and I'm not sure if that's good news or if we're about to be notified. The lack of communication from above is unbelievable. Talk about creating... — read more
AVAYA Titanic 2025
Remember in the movie when the Titantic broke in half and the first half of the boat under water dragged the second half of the boat even faster. When all the good people are gone and product strategy has failed, what remains fails (sinks) even... — read more
Didn’t lay off the lawyers huh?
Guess they still watch this page like a hawk since a post that was absolutely on focus has disappeared.
So was today “D day”?
What departments were affected? More to come after all hands?
Given that there’s been nothing else going on but layoffs
I’ve been twiddling my thumbs while waiting for my turn.
My heart goes out to those of you who’ve been impacted in recent layoffs.
This monthly nightmare is awful, I’m sorry for those affected. While I am way too low on the totem pole to make a difference please know there is someone thinking of you and wishing nothing but the best for your future. You are good people, you... — read more
The number of TechTalks canceled on AXP25 tells the who story on where we are...Scary
I am worried the last horse (AXP25) we are betting on will not run. Tired of seeing so many technical sessions canceled? I believe it clearly means engineering team is not ready. And anyways what does the VP-RA does despite canceling these meetings... — read more
I hope I get laid off now in Jan
So I don’t have to think about it anymore. It is obvious we are falling apart. Slow death is not doing good to any of us.
Anyone know when Galway is going to be hit?
Anyone have any idea if or when Galway site is going to be hit with layoffs?