Topics regarding layoffs at BB&T Corp.

Topics regarding layoffs at BB&T Corp.

I miss BB&T

I miss BB&T when it was just that, BB&T. I didn't expect to see things change this much after the acquisition. Call me an optimist but I honestly believed everything would mostly remain the same after the merger. I can't believe how wrong I was and... — read more 

| 4345 views | | 2 replies (last February 24, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+18w8iQ8y

One Question

What are you waiting for? The BB&T culture we loved for years is gone, half of your professional network is gone, opportunities are gone, and you are months away from being one of many people in the job market with BB&T on your resume. Are you... — read more 

Now what

The majority of management has been chosen, still some areas left to complete but mostly finished. What about those of you who didn't get one of these jobs? Ask to take a lesser role? Any thoughts on how this was done? What were you told? How about... — read more 

| 8365 views | | 5 replies (last October 25, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+11EklUZz


We are concerned about our jobs as well. My understanding is that the merger will create more layoffs in the AML area

| 7484 views | | 2 replies (last October 15, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+11qVTvmA

What about the rest of us?

I wish everyone who's received meets or exceeds on PDPs were only so lucky. It seems mid/high level managers are the only ones I've heard of that are getting these "retention bonuses" (other than the 15's and below getting the $1500). What about... — read more 

The Start of Layoffs

Has anyone been laid off yet due to MOE or know of anyone that's been let go in preparation for the mass layoffs that are bound to happen? Just curious if they're leaning towards the normal rif process or going a different route. Would love to hear... — read more 

Happy meetings

Does anybody else think that it's really odd they're putting us through all these mandatory happiness committee meetings I mean if you're going to lay me off just lay me off don't leave me around for months wondering whether or not I might have a job... — read more 

| 7633 views | | 3 replies (last June 25, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+YcpcqkT

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