The market is drying up quickly and so is the revenue, so the plan is to buy competitor's customers even if its barely profitable. Consolidate the market under one large brand and at the same time, layoff every role possible to lower costs and bring... — read more
Printing United more poor Canon products
I wonder how many commercial printers will fall for the smoke and mirrors of Francis and his leadership team. He and his team are walking the floor unaware that the industry is aware of their misrepresentation of product performance. The ProStream... — read more
CSA Management Message to Strained Employees: Work Harder If You Want to Keep Your Job
Completely out of touch and condescending. Management uses this tactic to scare their employees into submission. Management also tells people not to expect promotions, holiday bonuses are off the table as well as merit pay increases. Ah yes, I should... — read more
New perspective
I was stunned at being laid off after 28 years. However, now I feel like I got the better end of the bargain. So many people still with Canon have said how bad it is now, morale is down, lot more work with less people, no one has a clue what’s... — read more
Canon layoff
I was laid off after almost 5 years of service. I luckily have another job but found out that Canon took a LOT of stuff from my desk. I was Recently going through boxes and they took my own supplies. How petty is this company?! You are going to... — read more
CSA Sales merging with CUSA JAN 2025
What does this mean for CSA branches? Does CUSA spend the $ to rebrand or are more cuts on the way? Do dealers take over the CSA portfolio?
Canon’s Kobayashi Replacing “Kyosei” with “Karoshi” Culture
Who needs Kyosei when you can have Karoshi? ;) Karoshi (Japanese: 過労死, Hepburn: Karōshi), which can be translated into "overwork death", is a Japanese term relating to occupation-related sudden death.
Cano Suzhou Layoff
Looks like the China is next on the block…
Future for CSA employees?
I still have no clue if I will still be employed at year-end. Nobody has come out to reassure us remaining employees of anything, which is downright terrifying. You would think that real leaders would COMMUNICATE, re-build trust and try to move... — read more
Kobayashi: Very Unlikeable
When you watch the All Company Meeting, the tyrant CEO of CUSA comes off as very cold, insincere, unrelatable, and non-charismatic. You feel as if he’s talking down to you. He reminds me of several snotty Asian professors I had in graduate school. I... — read more
Reporter looking to speak with Canon employees affected by latest layoffs
Hello, I am interested in speaking with employees at the Canon location in Newport News, Virginia who were affected by the latest company layoffs. Please contact me at: ASAP if you would like to share your personal... — read more
For the record!
Over the last year or so, we have seen some troubling signs that all is not well at Canon USA, a lot of you may be seeing the same thing. I'd like to break down what we have noticed and we've learned through speaking with various people in the... — read more
Canon laid off approximately 700 people across all canon companies. Entire company is in turmoil. Management doing nothing. No communication. Staff in te---r of being next on the chopping block or actively applying for new employment.
Are you still happy at CSA? What keeps you here
Merger Announcement = WARN Notice?
I’m wondering if the CSA & CUSA merger email is a veiled “WARN Notice” for CSA employees. Canon is so corrupt and would never flat out tell people that they will be laid off directly. They use these long-winded, flowery memos that leave people more... — read more
Canon’s New Org Announced !
Rumors of new org was announced - Claims to remove barriers that exist between groups - Bakers dozen of promotions announced. Areas like Marketing showing another waste of payroll. Appears to be a safety measure to cut the dead waste and over... — read more
Return to Office Full Time
As if doing the work of all the people that were laid off isn't bad enough. Now the Emperor wants us back at the Office full time. People will just leave like a mass exodus, possibly this is what he wants. The employees who remained and weren't laid... — read more
emperor's new clothes
Rumor has it wait till the fall Emperor Sammy has another round of layoffs on deck.
How are you coping with being laid off or anticipating to be?
This round was brutal. It was discomforting, to say the least. Both watching people leave, and experiencing all the anxiety while it was happening. It prompted me to start looking around for other opportunities. It may not look rosy, but if one... — read more
Media coverage
Canon U.S.A. cuts jobs in Melville less than one year after winning more IDA tax breaks Canon U.S.A. headquarters in Melville, where the company cut between 100 and 150 jobs despite a pledge to grow sales and profits for a fourth consecutive... — read more
What's your age?
People are saying that Canon laid off the older employees. Curious to see Late 50's here
Moving on
Hi all, I was laid off last week. Turn this into a positive situation. Canon did not provide great benefits or pay. Sure, it was ok, but there are much better places to work out there. Look into government jobs @ Security + benefits... — read more
Contact the media
Even if you signed a severance agreement that prohibits you from communication that the company may view as disparaging, you can still reach out to the media anonymously to get coverage on the state of Canon affairs and the possible illegal behavior... — read more
CEO Must Be Fired
This guy’s poor leadership should be a textbook case study in any respectable MBA program. I would know as a MBA graduate who actually paid attention in school. I could tell by watching the “All Company Meeting” over MS Teams back in January that... — read more
There are other ways to save money…Canon chose the lazy way…
I used to do budget forecasting years ago. There are many ways that Canon could have avoided layoffs altogether, by cost saving in other ways. For example: Doing what Canon did back in 2009 when they cut salaries I am sure that everyone would... — read more
Do you have a clue about ACTUAL criteria for recent layoffs?
For me it seemed illogical…
Do you the ACTUAL criteria for recent layoffs?
For me, it seems illogical…
I'd lie if I said I wasn't worried
I haven't been laid off but I decided to leave anyhow. I don't want to wait for the next round to get me. But I've been looking at available jobs for the past few days and what I've been seeing is anything but good. To say that pickings are slim... — read more
Sorry guys for all of you who were let go
I hope you will land on your feet soon. In the meantime, try not to be anxious about your situation. I’m fully aware that for some of us being laid off brings even more problems and stress than to the rest. Still, try to preserve your health and... — read more
Canon Lays Off Rudy Winston, the Beloved Perennial Camera Guru
Last week, Canon USA initiated layoffs that affected multiple departments. While the exact number affected was not provided, it is not insignificant and included Rudy Winston, perhaps the most prominent face of Canon’s US-based brand, PetaPixel has... — read more
Severance Package
Has anyone received details on their severance package? Will it be by email?
Does anyone know any Japanese expats being laid off?
Seems like latest lay offs are racially biased.
Management Stinks!
They sit in meetings all day and have absolutely no clue what people need to do. The training has been pi-s poor since day one. You are on your own and will be treated like cattle when your sla-ghter day has arrived. No respect. Be defiant. Take... — read more
Do your work, and just your work
We’ll be pressured to pick up the workload after people who were laid off. Don’t do it. There are already rumors about the next wave of layoffs coming within 3-6 months. Why should any of us exert ourselves over and beyond for this company? So we can... — read more
Canon Layoffs 2024
As an employee witnessing recent layoffs and hearing senior management’s directive to “do more with less,” I am appalled and deeply triggered. The arrogance, lack of empathy, and self-serving attitudes among our leadership is disgraceful. Announcing... — read more
Rumors that there's more layoffs coming within the next 3-6 months? 😵💫
Should all of us who survived the bloodbath just start looking for new jobs now?