Buisness expected to crater. 5% of staff at Cpchem planned to be let go
Will we buy and ruin them to?
Layoffs are happening but folks are silent
A lot of people feel unsafe to speak up. I know for sure that layoffs are happening and numbers are down.
2017 Layoffs
Post any information about possible 2017 layoffs here...
Question On Chevron Phillips- Possibility To Join The Company Soon. Layoffs and Compensation
Hello, I could possibly be joining CPChem soon but I have a couple of questions. How often are raises given? And what percent raises are they typically? Also, how stable is the company? Do layoffs happen frequently? I think demand for... — read more
Nat Gas Prices Going Up...CP Chem and Petrochemicals Might Be Fxxxxed
I'm sure you all have seen the news on the natural gas prices going up. I think the petrochemicals industry and Chevron Phillips are doomed. Thoughts
EIP 20222, Any Guesses?
Let's see who's estimate comes closest!