That’s what I have learned. Effecting many management levels.
Layoff Friday
Just another day at Directv.
Layoffs happened on Monday. Infuriating
At least four executives were laid off on Friday, including one VP with 25 years at the company and instrumental in the launch of the MySports service announced on Tuesday. What an insane message to our employees to celebrate that innovative launch... — read more
It’s here!
It’s going to be a nasty Friday
Engineering Org Layoffs?
Now that it's January anyone have any updates on layoffs in the software engineering org in El Segundo?
HR preparing for another round of layoffs
My HR sources are saying they're currently prepping for a significant layoff. Several Line 2s will be hit this phase due to many unnecessary managerial positions. This is a "trim the fat phase" but other levels will be hit as well. Some will be... — read more
So what now? What does this mean? Is DISH likely to file BK?
DirecTV terminates Dish deal over failed debt swap
DIRECTV Layoffs 2025
Is there going to be any reorg or DIRECTV layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
Will a deal be reached or just extensions?
Multiple extensions. Is it likely the deal will be made or not?
Directv Layoffs 2024
May 3rd, 2024, DIRECTV has now completed a long planned layoff of about 400 workers company wide. More layoffs planned in the fall. Only about 7500 employees left. Cord cutting and extremely poor management are driving this company into the ground... — read more
What's are you hearing about the merger?
What are you all being told about the merger? Will there be cuts, will direct tv departments have priority over equivalent dish ones if there is overlap? Or is it not seen as a big deal on your side?
TPG purchases Dish Network at the local Thrift Store
Hold on here. TPG and Wild Bill approved to purchase a company that was already on its death bed? Do they really think the 10 remaining Dish customers want our Radio Shack Satellites on their rooftops at a premium price? What the he-l is he thinking... — read more
DirecTV-Dish merger
DirecTV is buying rival Dish Network in an attempt to effectively compete against streaming services. On Monday, the satellite TV provider announced it will pay $1 for EchoStar’s video distribution business, Dish DBS, which means it will own Dish... — read more
How many employees were there in 2022?
Just saw DTV has ~15k employees. Wondering how many employees there were in 2022. Are there actually less employees after the annual/bi-annual/more frequent layoffs? Or, are they just rehiring cheaper labor and getting rid of the knowledgeable?
Here it comes
AT&T and TPG are in talks to combine their DirecTV service with Dish, sources say, in a long-talked-about deal that could create the largest pay-TV provider in the US
Uptick on LinkedIn by Management
Anybody else notice an uptick in VPs+ activity on LinkedIn lately? Seen a bunch of hogwash leadership giving each other accolades (also friends, and those that have taken care of each other). As I hear the young say CRINGE Women's equality? ... — read more
We all bear witness to our reckless Leaders quickly destroying this company
Its quite fitting to see these stooges frequently in the headlines as we lose NFL Sunday Ticket, lose 13 million subscribers, increase subscription prices, hand out measly $20 ESPN credits, mishandle Disney negotiations, prep for mergers, selloffs... — read more
TPG and ATT win Team Olympic Gold for plowing this company and our careers into the ground
These Execs are only concerned with lining their pockets as this company is clearly in its death spiral. Every month feels like an episode of Directv's "Squid Game"!! Who stays and who's thrown off the cliff? I had to surplus 50 of my subordinates in... — read more
DTV marketing
Really not understanding the strategy. Called in to get an advertised lower priced package which was comparable to Utube in most regards. Basically told that price was for new customers only. I switched. Guess there are some factors I don’t see but... — read more
TPG expires soon so what next?
I recall that when TPG bought their 30 percent that the contract was only for three years. That contract expires before August. So what happens next? Does TPG renew or take their cash and go? With our free cash flow dropping an average of 800... — read more
When is the next round of layoffs?
So tired of working with lame management. This is the zombie that keeps on kicking. Hoping to get a package. Any idea when the next round of layoffs are? The slow suffocation of a dying company is slowly ki-ling me.
More layoffs and being replaced with cheap international vendors
Just got word that Directv is going to layoff more people in the USA. How can Americians compete with cheap labor outside the USA? So sad that Directv isn't going to pull off a turn around and keeps gaslight employees that a turnaround is comming... — read more
And let the re-hiring begins before another round of layoffs
Just saw the department I was laid off on a year later is rehiring. Guess the incompetent ones left behind are making a big fuss about the additional work. Su-k it up.
“Some DIRECTV via Satellite customers are experiencing error code 771 on multiple local and national channels. We’re aware and working to resolv
Cut too deep? Leave the people that speak well but have nothing to back it up with. Finally! Let the incompetencies be exposed...Oh that's what Ralph did.
Executives burning down the house
Why do they continue to promote/move management that have no proven record of growing the top line? Anybody can cut heads to keep margin flat/growing. How many people are left at DirecTV that know how to grow a business. Management left at the... — read more
Layoff today
This company is dooming, no people does any work in the company, all about mouth smart and as .....s kissing, time to prepare all your resumes
Superbowl fail?
I've been hearing DTV pooed the bed on their 4K superbowl stream that they've been pumping for months. It'll be interesting to see how many cancel.
DIRECTV Once Again Drops Local TV Stations
DIRECTV refuses CMG’s offer to extend talks and instead blocks its own customers from access to the most vital source of local news, emergency information, sports, and... — read more
What's churn looking like?
Curious as to how many customers we're losing each quarter now?
What was the 2023 company bonus?
Was it 7%
DIRECTV Layoffs 2024
If the market makes a turn soon, do you think there will be DIRECTV layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
DTV in 5 years
Purely out of curiosity, I'm interested in how you think DTV will look in 5 years.
AT&T Exploring Options for DirecTV as Pay-TV Subscriptions Continue Decline
(Bloomberg) -- AT&T Inc. has begun to explore options for its 70% stake in DirecTV as it approaches the end of an agreement under which it can legally sell its interest in America’s third-largest pay-TV provider. Among AT&T’s options are: a dividend... — read more
Layoffs Planned January 2025
Prepare yourself by updating resumes as DTV is going down the tubes faster than thought. Good luck.
Kern county just announced they are laying off 2 techs. In our shop we are going to only have 12 techs left and we still only average 4 to 7 jobs a day and mostly service calls.
Going extinct
It has long been clear that this company is going the way of the dinosaurs. Everyone who has other options leaves. I wonder if it could have been different? It may be too late now, but could the leadership realistically have stopped the... — read more
Directv layoffs 10% workforce
Today word is a 10% reduction in employees by Jan 20 2023.