Anyone else picking up that we are about have another tidal wave of layoffs?
In Oklahoma there has been some laying off of employees to move around favorites of Clifton Sublet. There has been nothing done to retain employees with experience. If you still work at Enlink, go to Cana office, get under Clifton’s desk and next... — read more
FOCUS ON PEOPLE!!! hahahahaha
“We’ll team, once again I’ve steered the ship upon the rocks and we’re taking on an overwhelming amount of water”. “We ARE sinking” “The good news is, if we throw enough of you overboard (to drown, because you signed an agreement not to try and... — read more
Executives and VPs cashing their fat checks
Everyone at the company knows, the company is going down. The executives and VPs are just cashing their fat checks as long as they can until the company is sold or bankrupt. There is never an attempt to save the employees. Other companies CEOs and... — read more
I got payed off in November. Good luck!
WTF are they doing?
Now I am hearing it's going to be around 200 of us. I know some already got the call but how much longer are they going to do this. They are laying off the wrong people anyways. Keeping people in the Dallas office that no one knows what their job is... — read more
Will there be more layoffs today?
Are we done at least for this week?
Are we talking about furloughs or layoffs today?
I can deal with furloughs, but I'll be devastated if the company decides to use this opportunity for layoffs without a severance.
Enlink Layoff Part II the sequel no one wanted
Remote layoffs start tomorrow at 8:00. Buckle up everyone.
Just a number
Today's layoffs prove everyone at Enlink are just considered a number. Lost a lot of knowledge today, mostly considering how to manage/operate Plants. Hard to imagine the new asset manager couldn't do more to keep our team strong. Seems to me, one... — read more
Servant Leadership Award
I wonder if Barry will give himself his own leadership award again after all this?
Losing valuable people
We have lost some very valuable people this week & will lose more tomorrow. It goes to show that loyalty & knowledge isn't valued if the person above you is a backstabber that hates you because they feel threatened by you. Some of the people they're... — read more
Have you seen it coming?
Well everyone had to see it coming. Barry Davis ran Crosstex into the ground and when Devon bailed them out, I’m sorry I meant merged with them, they were doing the same Crosstex process instead of letting the Devon Royalty take it over. Had... — read more
Here they come
Ole Pinocchio (Barry) strikes again. Leave updates below if you hear anything.
EnLink Midstream layoffs
70 people got cut. Numerous Demotions. True core values at work. When did this happen? This week or are you talking about previous layoffs? Some more info would be really appreciated, since I haven't heard about anything happening this week. Now I'm... — read more
2018 Layoffs
Any updates at all?
Layoffs are happening and no coverage here
Some of our competitors have lively pages on this board.
It’s the oil/ gas industry folks, easy come easy go....
Enlink is the 4th petroleum company I’ve worked for in 30 years, what’s happening now is common, in good times companies get drunk and fat, in tough times they sober up and trim the fat. It’s fun when things are booming and money’s no object and... — read more
Just do it already
For almost two weeks employees have been on pins and needles. Hard to focus on work when you think you might get canned before the holidays. Just do it already so people can move on with their lives.
Life’s Hard
The Oil and Gas Industry is a hard occupation. When it’s good it’s GOOD! When is down- layoffs come. I’ve been in this industry my entire career. If you pay attention and watch the history of Oil and Gas you know layoffs are coming long before... — read more
Servant Leadership??
Barry and his direct report clowns serving the employees at Thanksgiving IS NOT SERVANT LEADERSHIP. K–ling Off 20% and telling the survivors to pick up the slack.... “motivation speech”. Servant Leaders? Should have forfeited your Sr... — read more
FedEx and package lay-off letters sent
Where are the FedEx packages with my lay-off notice and box to send my computer back? This bonehead company rushed to lay people off instead of furlough! They don’t care about people and they never did! Call the Dallas Newspapers and tv stations to... — read more
every single o&g is in trouble right now
just saying
what's on the horizon?
With the unexpected news a couple of weeks ago & the sneaky hush-hush going on now, what is around the corner? Layoffs? Reorganization? Acquisitions? Sell off? You know it's coming, just not how bad this time