How are things up in Bangor?
John Intile started CCUS bullsh-t, again. Let me know what workers on this platform think. @Act165i
I'd like to know when we can expect more cuts
There are lots of rumors but nobody knows anything concrete.
Close it please!
There is absolutely nothing better than watching the Schenectady manufacturing site slowly slide its way down the guttter towards the drain. The Schenectady site will be around for a long time, but the manufacturing aspects of the location are nearly... — read more
GE Greenville - Operating in traditional corporate silos.
Operating in Silos has been a discussion for many years at GE. But this culture cannot be more prevalent than GE Greenville. Even small departments will rarely help another department if it's inconvenient. We need leadership that can help break... — read more
Are there going to be salary layoffs at the Schenectady campus?! I’m so freaking out right now. Anyone have any details? I’m so scared! Help! Are they going to give me a years salary or something? I’m D band. So scared. There’s no places else to go!... — read more
GE is Great - Stop Complaining
GE is a great place to work and I’m lucky to be here. They invest in their people and the newest technology to stay relevant. Fantastic benefits, top pay, world class leaders, and transparent communication throughout the organization. GE is doing... — read more
It’s Like an Asteroid
GE continues to look like an asteroid that is entering the atmosphere as it still burns through cash while cutting head count and dropping business segments. It has been shedding layer after layer and will likely soon disintegrate. I keep hearing... — read more
What's current severance package?
I know many companies have made changes to their severance since the start of the pandemic (talk about using a global catastrophe as an excuse to screw your employees over even more) and I haven't seen or heard anything about GEP. Does anybody know?... — read more
We know more is coming, any ideas on when?
Is Schenectady Still Manufacturing?
I keep hearing rumors that the manufacturing operations at Schenectady we’re shutting down last year....we just installed a unit last month that had Schenectady markings on it and I’m curios if it is new or it was sitting in a warehouse some place... — read more
More Big Cuts at GE Power
I’m a GE retiree and have kept in contact with several friends who work at GE Power sites all along the US east coast. This is the first time any of us remember seeing voluntary job elimination being floated without a compensation package being... — read more
Time For Power To Shine
RS cleaned up Pwr Conversion and steam is on the block. SS is doing well with Gas. Now is the time for Power to come through with positive CF.
Is a permanent reduction in the works for power?
From the newer pay scale/job code that was implemented at the local supplement level for Schenectady. All those years of T rates fighting to get supplement open to raise t rates pay. The union opened it right up for the company to destroy the years... — read more
More layoffs in July
Been reading on GE page that we are going to see a huge layoffs round at Power sometime in July. I'm not sure if there's any truth to that or if somebody is just trolling. I have my doubts, because if there are layoffs planned for July, would we know... — read more
I smell TLow’s VRIPS and........
Then the layoffs will begin in Power for all union hourly employees. T rates go d rates stay.
GE Power is a sh-- show
that is all
Salem Xmas
I guess if a post hit too close to home it gets deleted. Love this anonymous Bull sh--
How to fix GE..things you cannot say
The typical employee now at GE is a 20 something college grad with limited real life experience who works a 20 hr work week. They are more concerned about their next job to care about the one they are supposed to be doing. While I could never get... — read more
GE Cult(ure)
Glad I found my way out of the GE cult. Management’s thinking, 15 years ago, was that only the cream of the crop are hired by GE, so by the fact that we’re here, we’re the best of the best therefore any decision we make is correct.
$100-150M in Cost Out by Next Friday
Voluntary Job elimination program released this week followed by potential salary reductions and layoffs to be expected by next Friday. US based Power employees. Thoughts?
Dallas Service Shop Notified of Closing
Latest in the rumor mill. Is there any truth to this? I see no news of it.
Nuclear CFO fired and escorted out
Months old news, but does anyone have any information on what led to CFO Craig Steven being fired? Nuclear CEO Jay Wileman didn't even know it was happening until GE Power arrived onsite that day.
Nuclear restructuring and layoffs including executives
Anyone have any information on layoff numbers coming [again] in Wilmington? Hearing major org changes, multiple senior executive layoffs. It took years and 5 or 6 rounds of layoffs but finally senior management appears to be getting impacted.
What does GE Power do these days?
I am trying to figure out what the organizational structure of GE Power is these days?? I see info on building substations and distribution systems, a few equipment orders but I am not sure what our value add is? Are we just project managers these... — read more
Upcoming Layoffs in Europe
The first news went out in Belfort, France - 1,000 jobs to be cut. Other EU sites to be announced soon. French unions got a copy of the entire europe plan. I can't wait for one of these lazy fat f---s to leak it to the press!
Anyone see this? A website has been set up to disseminate the report,, where Markopolos calls it “a bigger fraud than Enron.” The financial investigator, who was probing GE for an unidentified hedge fund, writes that after more than... — read more
Should X CEO Immelt & X CFO Borstein be held accountable?
I am sorry but the scope of what has happened to GE is unthinkable. How can this company go from false sense of security to it imploding on itself? From what we all have been hearing in the news, my simple question is, how could these two not have... — read more
These Leadership Programs are garbage....
Get rid of them....most of the projects these LPs work on are useless. Executives sell them off to look good so they can move up, but in the long term 90% of LP projects are useless. If GE wants to attract top talent start going to top schools and... — read more
When will leadership make the tough decisions to close major factories?
In today's conference call, the analysis understand that GE needs to close some major factories due to over capacity. When will our leadership make these tough decisions? And lets face it the Alstom factories in France are the first ones to go. Sell... — read more
ATL ---- it's coming April 22nd to 26th
Usher in a new day...where Luda will scream "get out the way...B get out the way" will be a bloodbath....Finance huge cuts - Wildwood getting nuked!
Yup No Layoffs Coming...Just trolls
This week's layoffs at GE Power
There were a lot of layoffs today in Atlanta and Greenville for Power Services This is referring to Thursday, but I haven't heard about any layoffs happening yesterday. Is this true? How many people were hit? I think we'd all know if it was a lot... — read more
Gas Power
Big cuts coming at Gas Power. it will be curious to see what the separation packages look like.
Denied VRIP. What are my options?
In February 2018 GE Power offered me a VRIP package and I applied for it. However, my manager denied the request saying I was too valuable too lose. I was really upset because others in my department were accepted. This brilliant system rewards... — read more
power portfolio
situation was pretty dismal last time checked in. digital was to get power sw jv, so portfilio loses one element
End CAS now
THE CAS and and its new sibling XLP are a marjor part of the reason why GE culture is rotten to the core. The production and promotion of leaders from these programs and their subsequent injection into the various GE businesses is akin to self... — read more