Topics regarding layoffs at Herman Miller Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Herman Miller Inc.

Andi Owen you need to step down

Andi Owen please do the right thing and immediately step down from the company. You are no longer wanted or needed here.

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Post ID: @OP+1mguw5OT

Know when it’s time to put down the shovel

Their comms teams needs to stop defending this troll of a CEO and show some respect for the employees showing up everyday helping her earn her next bonus.

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Post ID: @OP+1meOl370


MillerKnoll CEO, Andi Owen, tells employees to focus on what they control and leave “pity city” as they complain about their bonuses being cancelled while she keeps her $6.4M bonus.

Top mgmt needs to go

I worked there for several years, and still have contacts. I left voluntarily, and work at a bigger, better, and more-fast paced company now and for much more money. The problem is they recruit B talent, have horrible performance management, accept... — read more 

| 2593 views | | 1 reply (October 25, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+LZfDrnu

We need to layoff the content creators

We are an awesome design company that makes beautiful furniture but out content authors are horriable scattered brained old ladies.

| 2021 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+HA28OTO

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