Policy for severence packages were updated and goes in effect mid March. Bet we can guess when the next round of layoffs will be!
This week??
The rumor is 50 more being let go this week. Anyone have any more information?
Layoff outlook for IT?
So 171 positions eliminated ( 70+ positions not filled ) What is next? How will this affect IT? I've heard there are three outsourcing companies looking over It this week. All three can outsource specific portions of IT ( Service Desk, data center... — read more
And if the system is doing so bad... how about stop buying every hospital in the state?
We are becoming Inter mountain east and no one has ever heard of Intermountain. They took the reporting team and made them reapply for their jobs. BUT ..... they upped what the requirements for their jobs were so some people who had been doing a... — read more
Yes, layoffs happened today
They say they care about the employees but when you look at what they actually do - their actions speak louder than their words. They cut resources for people, they will ask you to do more with less – this is frustrating, especially when you see... — read more
therapy dog
therapy dog just walked through.... odd....budget cuts after 49 million dollar net loss
What Happened
Just heard 200 people laid off what happened?
Integris Manages Aggressively
And sometimes that requires layoffs.