Topics regarding layoffs at IBM

Topics regarding layoffs at IBM

Next RA is going down in the US

Alvind is schmoozing with Modi in India while the next RA is going on in the US. Nothing more than the usual AI and Quantum hype about IBM from this j*rk of a CEO eagerly waiting for his January 2025 bonus. But he doesn't like any negative... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1vfwZuMr

IBM at present

IBM's Financial Engineering: Workforce Rebalancing "Workforce rebalancing is an unrealized financial promise because the last of these conditions—operating at the... — read more 

IBM down 6% Total Debt (mrq): $60,130,000,000

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Post ID: @OP+1v9dkUl4

The IBM donkey

"I'm reminded of the tale of the peasant who was trying to teach his donkey to go without food to save money. He'd almost succeeded but it died."

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Post ID: @OP+1v9dIFkq

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