Topics regarding layoffs at Kennametal Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Kennametal Inc.

Drop in prices

There is a ton of imported stuff, much more than ever before. So, lower prices lower margins. Also, the whole industry is suffering because of lower prices. I have no clue why prices of metals follow prices of oil, but that seem to be what's... — read more 

| 2179 views | | 1 reply (January 31, 2015)
Post ID: @OP+z7axE12

Newly announced job cuts' number

Does anyone know is those 400 people who already have accepted voluntary separation included in this new 1000 job cuts plan? Or is it 1000 + those 400? And when is this starting to happen? Is Pittsburgh going to be affected?

| 2112 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+IH4k5eL


What will happen to the plant in Fallon? Why not force workers who are over the retirement years to retire, as most here in Fallon just sit around do nothing. Reduce the salary of them Group and regular supervisors too they just there wasting space

| 2110 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+KDb36XD

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