Topics regarding layoffs at Philips Electronics

Topics regarding layoffs at Philips Electronics


I too was wondering why Rocha was picked among his many qualified peers. This was also interesting giving that he was leading the division that includes the tainted Respironics products. Then I realized that he was Dutch - white and male.

| 902 views | | 1 reply (December 29, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1jod2bN9

Philips Cuts 4,000 Employees

Manufacturing giant Philips announced plans this week to lay off roughly 4,000 employees amid “prolonged operational and supply challenges,” Covid-19-related uncertainty and a “worsening macroeconomic environment”— here are the latest major job cuts... — read more 

| 1188 views | | 1 reply (October 26, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1jnvMkol

van houten laidoff

CEO Franz finally got cut. He problem was not focusing on the recall and fixated on ebitda and selling buildings and reducing headcout and blaming every soul but himself. good riddance mate and dont let the door hit your dodads on the way out.

| 1270 views | | 2 replies (last October 19, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1ig8MyXV


I left last year. I hated how bitter I've become but I couldn't help it, I was so disillusioned with this place. My cynicism started affecting my daily life and relationships and I despised myself for it. My life slowly but surely changed for the... — read more 

Philips Layoffs 2015 and 2016

If things do not improve very quickly here at Philips we might have another round of layoffs and I can tell you this is not going to be fun for everyone. The whole industry, not only Philips is going through very hard time and people are losing jobs... — read more 

| 5235 views | | 5 replies (last August 20, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+DnBDl5I

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