Topics regarding layoffs at Kraft Heinz

Topics regarding layoffs at Kraft Heinz

Thoughts on Outsourcing Roles

As many are aware Kraft had originally outsourced Supply Chain to Genpact in Chicago. Now they decided to bring the roles back internally, this time sending them to Mexico and not back to the US office. This has really made me think who else is next?... — read more 

Canada- Tones Of Promotions

What's with the tones of promotions and fictional roles this past week for Canada? Seems like everyone was promoted to an associated director. Hearing this had to do with retention versus achievement.

| 326 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1rW17pxK

North 44-Exodus Continues

Lots of middle management(especially SC) and public facing roles(the executive chef) seem to have left the Canada office in a very short period of time since the announcement of moving the office to the downtown core. could this be why they are... — read more 

| 960 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1mY6hkIl

Layoffs Coming

Hearing layoff rumors again. Going after retail and account managers.

| 1880 views | | 3 replies (last January 5, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1jhMReIi


How are we doing on consolidations? Do we know what's next?

| 1340 views | | 1 reply (April 11, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1gcEYQKF

Center of Excellence

With the CDN president out and the two markets coming together as one, CDN and US, the center of excellent will combine the North American teams so expect layoffs in mid-year 2022.

Main Reason why I left KHC Canada

Attrition is out of control

With the amount of people leaving Kraft, you are not going to need a layoff..... Exactly this. I don't know how they can even be considering layoffs when so many people are leaving on their own and not being replaced that we are getting more... — read more 

Kraft eCommerce

Complete and utter chaos in this group. People are constantly leaving since the leadership of this group is arrogant and devout of merit. KHC touts meritocracy they moved a guy from a director position to a VP position in less then 2 years. The guy... — read more 

Any news on more layoffs?

Does Kraft Heinz have any more "revamps" planned for more brands that come with a hefty dose of layoffs?

| 2682 views | | 4 replies (last August 1, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+18wsj59M

All Time Lows

Thoughts on the stock price being down to nearly $20 and being rated as junk? Bankruptcy looming?

Are you kidding me????

#babynut ?!?! All of 5 seconds to realize its already an established hashtag by another company and sounds like a freaking p—hile came up with it. What marketing id–t came up with this plan? You could just burn your cash and it would have been... — read more 

| 1700 views | | 1 reply (February 13, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+13k3AfQK

You k--led Mr. Peanut?? Seriously??? How stupid!!!

What an absolutely terrible marketing strategy. Kraft Heinz has lost its marbles. What brilliant move are you gonna do next? Chop up the Oscar Mayer wiener?? What a short sighted scheme just to get everyone’s attention just so you can try to... — read more 

| 1835 views | | 3 replies (last February 1, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+13aUc7yk

Are you serious?

HoneyRacha and MayoChup are the future of this company? Are you kidding me? Just sell it already before it really becomes worthless. And stop taking on debt to pay your dividend... I may not be in finance but even I know that's a stupid move. — read more 

| 1210 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+132r3jtf

Shake Ups Coming, Again!

Hearing some rumors that there will be some 'thinning of the ranks' yet again as leadership tries to right the ship.

| 2132 views | | 3 replies (last October 27, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+10zE9cUr

Stock Continues to Suffer

Any thoughts on selling brands based on the current stock price sliding?

| 1331 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+10yzWxbH

3G at it again! What plant will close next?

Bernardo Hees and his kronies are at it again. Can anybody tell me what the c-appy 2018 results mean? Well if you can't, I will tell you! More plants are going to close! 3G is not interested in running a business, they are interested in making money... — read more 

| 2891 views | | 2 replies (last February 23, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+XKsgaNM


Hey Planters Fort Smith Arkansas!!! Keep up the great work. Your well on your way!

| 2351 views | | 2 replies (last August 13, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+WQ9NbyN

Champaign changes

Champaign will be doing some MAJOR changes by the end of the year. Quality workers being cut, plant wide cuts coming, OT gone, and line changes. But they are hiring

| 2563 views | | 5 replies (last April 19, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+VMqmxzo

2018 Raises

Fort Smith Arkansas plant receives raise after previous plant manager left and went to Winchester.

| 2110 views | | 2 replies (last August 19, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+UF6xo9j

June 1 changes

Does anybody know more about the changes at Kraft that are supposed to be announced on June 1? Somebody said in another thread that employees will not like the changes they have planned, which has me really worried and wondering what it might be. Any... — read more 

Kraft Lowville NY - Employee Assistance

We are investigating and trying to help former or laid off Kraft Lowville NY employees. We are interested in helping workers and former workers exposed to strawberry flavors that have breathing problems. You can contact us via email at... — read more 

| 2214 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+ShwL46x

Kraft Champaign

New dryer in dinners, that is positive. New oil system for enhancers around Easter. New plant mgr coming. Hopefully will enforce Gmp's on floor. People openly use chewing tobacco. Politics are a big factor in moving up to lead position. Temps are... — read more 

Kraftheinz avon ny

A mechanic who is leaving for another job said he was told by someone "upstairs" things are coming down the pipe that are not going to make things better here. Also i have overheard convos with line leads saying heinz is sending out ppl to analyze... — read more 

| 3340 views | | 4 replies (last May 25, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+RFG3UpO

So many layoffs

Up until a while ago, this was truly a good place to work for. The pay is good, benefits are decent, and we even get yearly bonuses. However, none of that makes up for utter lack of job security in the past several years. We've been having non-stop... — read more 

| 3240 views | | 6 replies (last February 18, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+QTdDZf7

Unrealistic expectations

I was thrown into assignments with no proper training and expected to meet unrealistic goals. Managers on my team didn’t have a clue or didn’t care that we were out of our element. There was absolutely no leadership and favoritism was the norm there... — read more 

| 2460 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+QJQMsz9

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