December 2022- Manhattanville has laid off another 9 faculty, many of which were tenured! This is the doing of Provost Christine Dehne and Interim President Louise Feroe. Shame on them and Manhattanville College!
An ‘Ax Falling’ at Manhattanville
Queen Sacrifice?
"Manhattanville College has issued a statement which seems to describe a queen sacrifice... — read more
Manhattanville College layoffs tenured faculty
During the past two years, 37 full-time faculty were either paid-to-retire, or laid off by Manhattanville College. This month (December 2022), for the first time in the Manhattanville's history, tenured faculty were laid off in the arts and... — read more
"Manhattanville College’s Administration Tries to Save Removing its Heart"
"The Manhattanville faculty is the heart of the institution. To discard so many of them, points towards a lack of vision from its administration."