Topics regarding layoffs at Molina Healthcare Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Molina Healthcare Inc.

More layoffs coming

looks like the severance policy was updated again 3/20. must mean more layoffs are coming sadly Yup, this is the best indicator of what we have to look forward to. We are nowhere near done with layoffs and it's now only a matter of time when we'll... — read more 

Any new info on layoffs?

Is there a truth to the rumors that people are being put under more scrutiny by design so they can be fired instead of laid off? Any layoffs coming? I heard about the number of people laid off in Dec, nothing much afterwards.

No reimbursement now!

I didn’t get laid off like other staff at Molina but they just said they won’t be paying tuition reimbursement for the classes I already have taken. They approved them before I took them too. Was counting on that money.

9 years

9 years and just like that no warning no maybe we can hire you later nothing.. 9 years I stayed with them through the Evicore through the changes. While other nurses left, and came back!, couple of these nurses including newer huggers got to stay... — read more 

Molina Ohio

Several in each UM department . Managers supervisors nurses and crps Chat from manager saying I am trying to reach you and bo-m let go 12/4 No warning. No heads up. Just Medicaid enrollment dropped. Here”s your pckg. No thank you for your service... — read more 

Last day with Molina.

A month ago we were told the emu Medicare unit was being dissolved for inpatient work. There were to be little to no changes. The changes were to be positive. More pro, better chance to improve job standing , and advancement. a week later a letter... — read more 

I can't relax

I know layoffs are done but I'm still having trouble relaxing. I admit, I was caught off guard by this. After a few years of constant layoffs, things slowed down significantly and I let myself get lulled into a false sense of security. I won't let... — read more 

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