Topics regarding layoffs at Neiman Marcus Group

Topics regarding layoffs at Neiman Marcus Group

Did you work for saks and then go to Neimans?

What is going to happen to the people who worked at Saks and left to go to Neiman Marcus? Will saks let them go now that saks owns Neiman’s? Some say Saks does not want people working there that once jumped ship from them.

Boycott , woke, overpriced Needless Markup

Even the rich are not shopping at Neiman Marcus like they once were. Sales are in decline, customer satisfaction is at an all time low, and even the top 1% are no long obsessed with overpriced designer labels. Now, the woke leadership at Neiman... — read more 

| 456 views | | 4 replies (last December 28)
Post ID: @OP+1vcmvmXK


What will happen with Bergdorf's and the acquisition? Saks and BG are only blocks apart.

Up to a few thousand jobs will be cut

Saks already is chopping another 100 in preparation to take over Neiman. Neither will comment on job losses..stay tuned .nobodys job is safe despite performance. Never trust Neiman Marcus. That would be your first mistake. It's just starting to get... — read more 

Why would Saks keep two stores in near proximity?

Saks will buy Neiman’s. Then sell off the real estate. If you are from the south and of a certain age then you remember when Macys purchased Rich’s in the late 90s, they closed all the Macys stores located next to Rich’s and turned the Rich’s into... — read more 

Saks merger highly unlikely

If that were to occur The Federal trade commission would likely focus on the N.Y.C market as it would reduce completion there.. Plus our sales have barely rebounded As the worst of the slump seems if we could get merchandise that customers... — read more 

Neiman Marcus is dying a slow, painful death

It’s so sad to see the company nearing its end of life, but times changed and not for the better. The 1970s-1990s were Neiman’s glory days. I remember waiting on Shirley MacLaine, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Linda Evans from Dynasty when I worked in shoes at the... — read more 

Mytheresa on radar

They had our business records when we were sister companies. They are only concentrating on our top markets.While they grew 8.3 per ent. We shrunk over 6 percent. Course no mention of that from G.V.R. our previous P/E owners must be laughing hard at... — read more 

| 642 views | | 2 replies (last March 28)
Post ID: @OP+1rHGEC3f

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