Topics regarding layoffs at Open Text Corp.

Topics regarding layoffs at Open Text Corp.

More Layoffs still gonna happen?

Based upon company performance, I’m thinking yes. But just curious if anyone is hearing anything. Apparently some have already happened last week.

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Post ID: @OP+1jkrjb9pn

How does the exec team still have jobs?

Stock Past 5 years OT down 40% IBM up 72% Oracle up 222% Accenture up 81% Salesforce up 73% Every good software leader on the planet knew you DO NOT TELL YOUR CUSTOMERS THEY MUST GO TO THE CLOUD. But OT tried... — read more 

Please, offer VBO

Some of us are still here mostly because we're waiting for severance. Letting us volunteer would be a smart move.

More Layoffs Coming

Looks like the company is about to do another round of layoffs. Maybe get rid of the excess managers who like to micro manage!

Upper management took the money

The legacy products were number 1 or 2 in the industry at one time. Upper management really didn’t care about the software evolving. They really don’t have a visions of the SMEs. All they really care about is money in their own pockets. They traded... — read more 

Sinking Ship

How do you interpret a new PS SVP coming in who seems to have their act together and then departs in less than 8 weeks? I’m guessing his ability to sniff out mediocrity and bad ELT leadership in CSO and above was exceptional. Not to mention a... — read more 

more layoff coming?

the stock price is going to the toilet after the earning call, will more layoffs be coming?

They're delaying merit increases

This was tucked away in a Perfomrance Management email: To optimize and reward employee performance, we are introducing a change in timing for our new, harmonized merit cycle. The new effective date for merit increases is January 1 and sets the new... — read more 

UK Layoffs Start tomorrow.

It's an eyewash with pre selected people being targeted while running a sham of a consultation process. There is a excel sheet that managers have been told what to fill with for performance evaluations. And there are unique roles they called out -... — read more 

How are you coping?

I avoided being laid off this round, but this whole situation made my anxiety go through the roof. I lost some great colleagues, and I feel like sh-t for still being here, because some of them couldn’t afford to lose a job. I hate this place, I hate... — read more 

looks like hiring freeze in US

of the 190 openings globally, only 17 are for Software+Engineering, all of them are in India

Let them eat cake

During a company meeting when MF deal closed someone asked Muhi if they can work at home he replied: I go to office everyday because I can’t afford Palo Alto so I have to live in Marin. Then worker asked “can I come to the Menlo Park office to which... — read more 

I sometimes wish I could switch of empathy

Like corporate leadership does. Tho, I somehow have a feeling they had none to begin with. I find their stage of greed, incompetence, and the lack of capacity to be in touch with other human beings astonishing. I guess normal, socialized and well... — read more 

The writing is on the wall (US folks only)

The vast majority of folks affected were US while India and the Philippines weren't touched at all. The whole "re-hire 800 new folks" is bullsh-t because all of those jobs will go to India guaranteed. I know of teams that were decimated with... — read more 

Hey Damage Control People

We know OT damage control is reading all of this. Just remember, this is not ONLY about our fellow team members who just lost their jobs due to incompetant leadership. This is about past employees too, who gave their all and got the same... — read more 

Not easy to deal with being laid off

Regardless of the circumstances, context, company, state of the job market, your financial situation or employability. It’s a personal hit. Guys, keep your heads up, allow yourself some personal care, give yourself time if you can afford it, then go... — read more 

Private Equity

I hope people that were laid off will find something better soon. Like others have said, this is not a software company, it is being run by like private equity with no organic growth. Debts are getting expensive to service so only way to keep it... — read more 

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Post ID: @OP+1tlUQYyC

So sorry for all already affected

Also sorry for us staying for now. Consequences will fall on us. We will be expected to pick up after those who were laid off. There will be mess and chaos. And none of us will get anything for taking on more work. Best case scenario is to be lucky... — read more 

I should have been laid off

They should have given some of us a chance to volunteer. I'd have happily accepted. As it is, I'm still here and miserable and somebody who wanted to stay is out of their job.

loss of competence

The only objective is to reduce the cost of salay. Replacing people with high skills with juniors. With the idea that selling software is like selling tomatoes.

1200 job cuts to rehire 800

you can Google for press release. The official word is 1200 cuts but to re-hire 800. Just a signal to Wall Street they are replacing employees with cheaper ones if they follow through. Leave on your own terms if you can.

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