Topics regarding layoffs at Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

Topics regarding layoffs at Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

Will I get the bonus?

I got a job offer from another company that I will be accepting. If I put my notice in or leave before the Feb 28 bonus will I still get it?

Landman Show

Does anyone see the characters in this show and the storyline so true to life at PNR?

Pioneer VP of Diversity????

What was the deal with our VP of Diversity? Always thought that was a spoof title, especially when that person was also Environmental Director. I guess XTO took a pass on that hire?

| 230 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1v5YFMTv


Im ready for that last pnr bonus end of december and switching over to those fat excon checks Jan 1.

Moving to H-town

Any update on when we’re expected to move to Houston? Trying to get my house on the market to beat the rush.

Any news about LR?

Or it’s going to be in small batches for at least another six months? I wish they do it in one go, otherwise it will be he-l going every day to work and reasonably expect it’s your last.

Work truck

Anyone that has a work truck will be charged .67 cents per mile from their home to their respective office/both ways. That’s over $100 per day for some folks.

This is just the beginning

Expect many more layoffs before the dust fully settles on the acquisition. I won't be able to stop stressing for the next six months at least - if I make it that long.

Realignment is getting realigned...

Exxon Mobil issued a layoff notice to 59 employees as part of its workforce reshuffle following its $60 billion acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources, according to a filing with the Texas Workforce Commission. The layoff notifications include 39... — read more 

Nothing but a bunch of crying babies

I have never read so much sniveling and crying in my life from the X-Pioneer's hands that are either going, staying or leaving. I hope that your resume looks better than the stuff that I am reading here. For those of you married and family you... — read more 

| 2010 views | | 9 replies (last August 5)
Post ID: @OP+1tkpxrKf


Folks in Exxon treated XTO as low -IQ individuals. Same will happen to Pioneer - only 1 in 10, if lucky would remain with Exxon in 5 years. Others would be removed through our famous assessment system

XOM Houston campus on borrowed time?

Read the XOM layoff site where there is chatter that in the not too distant future Houston campus operations will move to Asia. We know that's already happened and happening in some business lines, but it may mean the closure of an entire little... — read more 

How Exxon keeps you from receiving a pension

Read the details on what it takes to become a full pension eligible retiree carefully. Plenty of opportunity for Exxon to sc--w you out of any promises pension. After talking to friends at Exxon it is clear to me that Exxon does everything it can to... — read more 

Where to go?

I don’t want to join, what are good options for middle career reservoir engineer . Small independent kind of companies where I can make more money because of my skills.

Next round of offers.

Anyone know white next round will be? Those that are not going or didn’t get an offer, did you find out information about the transition team at that time? If you don’t mind what department are you in? I’m in land for full transparency. — read more 

Bonus at the end of the year?

As a lot of us are finding out, we will not be receiving are new base pay until January. Has anyone heard or know if they plan on giving our targeted bonus since we are remaining on the Pioneer compensation plan?

You'll be lucky if you're laid off

I've been with EM for five years, and in that time the company shifted from mass layoffs to mass PIPs. I'm guessing to save on severance. Some might think that's better because PIPs are for underperformers, but that's not the case here. No matter how... — read more 

2024 LTIP Grant RSU

This newly granted award is eligible for the third quarter dividend equivalent payment that will be paid through payroll in June. I’m assuming that’s June of 2025, correct?

Office Staff Offers

Haven't heard of any that has been rolled out to the group 4, but over the next 2 weeks we will be anxiously sitting around waiting for that Zoom Meeting or Phone Call. Best of luck to everyone. Also, to our LCO team, this is how the Pioneer... — read more 

| 821 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1sQk5Qyu

Offer Status

Heard many with offers declined. More than half have I’ve spoken to. XOM ftw.

| 1120 views | | 1 reply (May 31)
Post ID: @OP+1sNwAoGb


Thos who have received offer. Was it at or above your total compensation package? If you don't mind, could you let us knows the percentage too? Thanks!

Phase II Decision Deadline

When is Phase II Decision Deadline? It was originally May 22, but I imagine it got pushed back due to problems rolling the offers out. Hoping to see an update on org structure soon.

Pay & Benefits 040 group today.

040 Group got our Job offers today. Imo, Pay & benefits are Competitive with existing base, bonus & benefits. We have been told since the Monday after closing that it would come about the 22nd and they delivered on time. They answered any & all... — read more 

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