Topics regarding layoffs at POSCO

Topics regarding layoffs at POSCO

Not a rumor

700 folks will be cut, so no rumors, just facts - this was announced already and I believe we filed a WARN notice with the state. If you are in Pittsburg, there will be no escape, just move on, screw Koreans.

| 1626 views | | 1 reply (March 24, 2015)
Post ID: @OP+tzXTU0I

POSCO Major Downsizing in 2014

That's the rumor - You never know but I seriously doubt it, many things are pointing to an improving industry conditions, so POSCO will just continue to do well. You never know, but I'd bet that we'll have an outstanding 2014 without layoffs.

| 1722 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+tyy3aSP

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