Topics regarding layoffs at Prudential

Topics regarding layoffs at Prudential

Prudential Layoffs 2025

If the market makes a turn soon, do you think there will be Prudential layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?

Not over yet, more to come

New NJ warn notice Additional 145 Prudential layoffs scheduled: 04/15/24 through 06/28/24 , 07/2/24, 07/31/24, 09/01/24, 09/30/24

Impact of the transformation on data breaches.

There’s been two recent data breaches (May 2023 and a few days ago). All that transformation, right sizing, relying more and more on third party vendors based in India & Philippines, laying off key experienced staff. I would wonder if all this has... — read more 

More cuts today

Knew some individuals in marketing got let go today. Any other departments affected?

Assurance Closing

Hi Folks, If you were effected by the layoffs Chapter Medicare is hiring:

Q1 Layoffs?

What are people hearing about the timing for layoffs in Q1? Or any other details?

Market Competitiveness

Any idea on what’s going on this this? It’s been several months since we’ve heard anything about it, and they said by the end of summer we should hear something…

Layoffs are coming

Next round of “transformations” are about to occur without outing myself it is safe to say that all positions are up for elimination. Time to look for new work.

Was GT not affected by market competitiveness?

Just curious...Does anyone know whether GT was affected by market competitiveness-or-why they wouldn't be? It's a pretty top heavy organization but I haven't heard of many changes. The other corporate groups definitely took a beating from what I can... — read more 

| 1734 views | | 2 replies (last December 11, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1pw2OyHu

Every. Single. Year.

How many more are they going to lay off this time? Pru is already notorious at layoffs every year! I can't believe Pru announced their plan to lay off 24-30% of the senior management! This is absolutely insane! I'm pretty confident they will... — read more 

| 2251 views | | 2 replies (last November 14, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1ptKk1ZN

How many are affected???

Anyone have an idea on how many people are affected. I am hearing about very few in GT and Marketing were impacted. 243 across the enterprise with more impacts to be communicated in January.

| 951 views | | 1 reply (November 7, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1ptLwCmr

All Hands (Marketing)

If friends here have other all hands info please share. Here are 4 key points: MOST marketers are moving closer to the business Global CMO, and U.S. CMO role no longer needed More info from Head of USB on Monday Effective Jan 15 — read more 

| 1151 views | | 1 reply (November 7, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1pt5BXSH

Found on Charles Schwab Layoff Forum

Found this on their forum. Probably similar to Prudential process… Director, I have laid off more than I want to remember over these past 10 years. Here is how the process works. You will receive a meeting invite from either your Director or MD... — read more 

Layoffs are the least of my worries

I'll land on my feet if I'm laid off. I'm much more worried about them deciding that severance is too much of an expense and instead of laying us off, they start finding reasons to fire us. I know many will call me paranoid and they might be true... — read more 

Any cut this year?

The year end is here, does anyone hear layoff/cost reduction in your group?

| 1710 views | | 1 reply (November 13, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1jGbjMQx

How are you doing?

I work in Global Technology and whenever I asked someone how they are doing I get a defeated, "ah, ya know" or "hanging in there" or half-hearted "good". It didn't used to be like this, most people I interacted with used to be enthusiastic and happy... — read more 

New promotion policy

What are your thoughts on the overhauled promotion policy? Between the constant changes and reshuffling and the new promotion policy (we have to apply to a new position or post for our current position at a higher level and hope we get it or be... — read more 

| 2972 views | | 8 replies (last October 17, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1dLA5QiT

Toxic company culture

I'm not sure how it happened, but the once great company culture has morphed into a toxic mess that everybody is looking to escape. I hate to see what Prudential has turned into because I used to truly enjoy my work and now I dread it. I'd like to... — read more 

Every day is stressful

The biggest cause of stress here: management. They are also the main reason why the most knowledgeable and capable employees are leaving this place. I have never worked in a company that has such bad managers as we do here. You?

| 1731 views | | 2 replies (last September 13, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1iDYzI85

Work from home

Is this a good company for WFH jobs? Are the annual bonuses good? Do you get annual raises? If so what percent on average? Thank you in advance.

Annual bonuses

How likely are you to get your 10% annual bonus when working entry level positions? Is it more like 2-5%?

Our entire team was gutted within 18 months

The rest of us are planning to leave because they keep expecting us to pick up their work and continue like it's a normal thing. Not only that isn't physically possible, but none of us are insane to let them keep increasing our workload that was... — read more 

I'm tired

I'm tired because I have to deal with a total lack of recognition or respect for my performance every single day. I'm tired of having to fight to have anything I have done recognized as being done by me. I'm tired of others taking credit for my work... — read more 

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