Topics regarding layoffs at Quest Software Inc.

Topics regarding layoffs at Quest Software Inc.

Marketing Update

When Product Management tells consultants that they know more about the customers than the consultants do... When general marketing bring out awards that didn't exist 6 months ago and make employees wear a shirt that most of Quest wouldn't... When... — read more 

| 467 views | | 1 reply (September 7)
Post ID: @OP+1uoMTRDz


oh no no a support engineer ki-led himself. I tried to help him but it was to late his wife reached out to me she is broken and blames the company for i do too and it’s not right how they treated people they fired people that had years of experience... — read more 

Delete WhatsApp

Bumped into a pal in the lounge. He's competition and off to his SKO in Orlando. Warned about using WhatsApp on company paid phones or on company laptops. Quest owns em and so can request to see whats in them. Sounds hinky but would not put it past... — read more 

Time to go Patrick

Patrick, you say you are a data driven decision maker and ignore emotion or intuition. How much more data do you need to admit you have failed? From your initial hiring choices through to the situation you have created now. Accept the data and do the... — read more 

Things are looking bleak

It's just a matter of time before we have major cuts. I've started looking already to see how things are looking out there and prepare myself for every eventuality, and I can say that the situation is less than stellar. I can't find any good remote... — read more 

| 2210 views | | 2 replies (last January 27, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1jCWYY5O

We need leaders

We have too many bosses who like to call themselves leaders but their actions speak otherwise. We need people who are willing to take risks to ensure a better future for the company and not those who are more than happy with the status quo and who... — read more 

| 2453 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1efsX6MT

Useless european management team

The european sales management team is useless, too busy sitting on their elbows and being di-ks for the sake of it. Cant complain, the amount of times its been covered up only to see them promoted. If you're not a favorite, you might as well work in... — read more 

| 2273 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1bYzYlEr

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