Topics regarding layoffs at Ricoh

Topics regarding layoffs at Ricoh

Ricoh layoffs 2024 Ricoh to cut 2000 jobs or 2.5 % of global workforce mostly in sales and maintainence teams. Read in Asia Nikkei news

Customers waiting

With all of the recent tech layoffs. How long are customers going to be willing to wait for service? Some of these customers have guaranteed 2 to 4 hour response time. How can Ricoh sell that if they cannot support it? The aged workforce, the type of... — read more 


Always a good sign when employment lawyers directly target a specific company’s employees.

| 410 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1sixVa6U

March 31st

What is on the horizon for layoffs and changes happbefore March 31st. I only ask because whenever things get really quite in this company internally it always leads to less people working here.

Revolution Retail

Revolution Retail has torn this company apart! More time and resources are spent on these machines than Ricoh machines. Management made a huge error giving Revolution everything they want

Outsourcing Ricoh Direct Service?

Heard that Ricoh has outsourced their Service Techs to a 3rd party in many parts of the US. Most were given a choice of joining the 3rd party or leaving the company. I hope they got a nice severance package if they decided on the latter.

Toshiba? Really?

Ricoh really showing its desperation here. Toshiba mfp market share % anyone? Any Fortune 500 CIO out there standardizing on Toshiba laptops? Really fitting nicely with the Ricoh brand: Anything for a buck. — read more 

Ricoh making a move

Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Newspaper is reporting that Ricoh’s CFO, Shun Kawaguchi apparently announced that company is set to evaluate Ricoh’s many businesses and determine with it will withdraw from or attempt to sell

| 1915 views | | 3 replies (last January 4, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kcSGGvZ

Ricoh better fix some things

Seems to me like RIcoh has been dropping the ball on many things. Supply issues, billing issues and big time service issues . Little to no direction from management or senior management. It makes you wonder what the future holds.

| 1865 views | | 3 replies (last November 1, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1jc9Yypt

TV/VCR Repair!

Scraping the bottom of the PR barrel…

| 1713 views | | 6 replies (last September 4, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1iqT58eI

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