Topics regarding layoffs at SAIC (Science Applications International Corp.)

Topics regarding layoffs at SAIC (Science Applications International Corp.)

Liars in onboarding

SAIC offered me a job over the phone. Told me they and all other contractors are not allowed to negotiate PTO and 12 days was max. THIS IS A LIE. They also said they could not budge on pay because of it being public, so I looked. Average pay for the... — read more 

| 2057 views | | 1 reply (August 3, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1dYo8kPe

Lay-offs effective 1/15/19

Yep it's all true. The purchase of Engility resulted in 30% lay off of the current SAIC staff. Apparently SAIC now prefers cheaper employees rather than well trained experienced ones. SAIC is no longer the company it was when they were employed... — read more 

| 2992 views | | 3 replies (last June 15, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+X75v53C

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