Topics regarding layoffs at Scientific Games Corp.

Topics regarding layoffs at Scientific Games Corp.

You get what you pay for

Not sure if the enablers of The Angel Of D#$th and Skipper Schneider (firing internal competition and expanding offshore) are realizing that their cronyism is resulting in a flawed business model hench the spike in originating field issues developed... — read more 

| 258 views | | 2 replies (last 5 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1uqXNYkO

LnW to be renamed Studio X

Viewed LnW G2E product demo video. Sounds like Nathan really has a ha---n for Studio X. Yeah we know you and studio head are both from Aristocrat. Seems like more silos are being created than removed with Aristocrat Silo-bhan at the helm. Cut the... — read more 

Move on

If you parted ways with WMS/Bally/Shufffle/SG/L&W for various reaons good luck to you. Hopefully you are fulfilling your career plans in your new role. Leave all that baggage, stress, comments and criticism behind as you embark on your nect career... — read more 

| 2256 views | | 4 replies (last January 13, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1ithYshj

Modern corporate philosophy

Just wondering. Do employees understand what “shareholder value” really means? It means big options and bonuses for execs off the back of employees,,, that actually do the work that drives revenue for the company. This is not just an SG/LNW... — read more 

| 1869 views | | 1 reply (March 31, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1fYmYcK0

It's a balancing act

Not all who were let go were underperformers: For every older employee let go for legit reasons there is a younger employee let go to balance-out the age to protect against age-discrimination lawsuits, similarly if there were too many young... — read more 

New name, new changes

With the new name Why doesn't the company make some drastic changes, I think you need to reorganize, get rid of some of the old Bally people, Merge product management and project management together, is project management does absolutely nothing and... — read more 


I don’t know about you, but I don’t really notice the recovery. However, we will know more when the business strategy update and Q4 financial results are provided. That will be in a few days. Do you think there is any room for optimism? — read more 

| 1343 views | | 1 reply (February 23, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1fq2Ackq

Company Rebrand, again!

This company is turning into a f*cking joke... Rebranding every few years. What abomination of a name will they come up with this time? How much money will this corporate rebrand cost? What a waste of time and money! Barry Cottle and the... — read more 


I did not get it. Please do it cost of living. So I resigned I was able to find a job with another company that is paying me more than what I was getting after 10 years with Scientific Games.

| 1532 views | | 1 reply (March 1, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1f2kwu22


I understand the company has some new executives and they'll be making changes to all the Departments. I think it's a good idea they can revamp the project management, engineering development manufacturing and so on. It's time for some changes in... — read more 

| 2105 views | | 2 replies (last November 19, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1dxzzV12


With the coronavirus surging in Nevada is there going to be a gaming show this year? I can't see people coming in from all over the world just to get sick.

| 1738 views | | 1 reply (September 7, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1cxmucob

This doesn't spell good news

Too many changes for my taste here lately. Executives are leaving, the company is shrinking by "focusing" on specific areas while everybody else is expanding... This can't spell good things for our future here. I think it's time to start looking for... — read more 

‘Aristocrat’ Games

Might as well call it ‘Aristocrat’ Games at this point. Matt once said it looks like we are hiring a lot of Aristocrat expats and opportunities for growth for current capable employees would be coming soon. It’s not that it looks like it, it is very... — read more 

| 4417 views | | 2 replies (last March 25, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+19B3kRub

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