Thread regarding University of Alaska Anchorage layoffs

Disasters, natural and man-made

"Johnsen has described the cut as “devastating” and “draconian,” and said it could result in the closing of campuses, slashing of degree programs and the elimination of at least 1,000 university jobs."

"Johnsen, the UA president, has estimated the $135 million budget cut this year will be more like $200 million when costs, including lost tuition and grants, are factored in. There are “very real additional ripples, or tsunamis perhaps, as a result of the state’s actions,” Johnsen has said."

| 1175 views | | 3 replies (last July 15, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+101WkbFw

3 replies (most recent on top)

Even more insanity...

'State budget cuts have University of Alaska officials anticipating the possibility of program and staff reductions, while Anchorage's largest homeless shelter will cut its hours and services, reports said."

Post ID: @2pjm+101WkbFw

From an expert? This is insanity.

"Raymond Scheppach, a public policy professor at the University of Virginia, told Education Dive that the governor gave the U of Alaska little time to prepare for such a massive reduction in support. 'If you were going to cut 40% out, you'd want to do it over a four- or five-year period to give them time to restructure and make good decisions," he said. "When you're in this kind of situation, you're just going to have to cut whatever is the most expensive to get the dollars down.'"

Post ID: @2buj+101WkbFw

In the long run, maybe it's best that more people leave the State of Alaska. The State of Alaska was not meant to hold so many humans, especially when valuable resources have been abused so widely and for so long. But will it be the right people that leave, and for the right reason? Can Alaska downsize in a smart, innovative way that saves good jobs, but more importantly, saves the ecosystem?

Post ID: @1ang+101WkbFw

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