Thread regarding GameStop Corp. layoffs


Regional and district leaders across the US have been laid off

| 1704 views | | 1 reply (August 17, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+10jUaNai

1 reply

About 60% of the staff will be laid off on August 21, 2019 be prepared. There will be no severance either. I was instructed and now finding out that I'm on that same list. To find anything on everyone to have just cause to fire someone to prevent everyone from getting even unemployment. We were instructed to fight everything to the fullest. I had to put in paper work for some employees that were only late 1 min or clocked in 1 min in the past year. That's the only thing I could find on those employees but that's what is getting used for just cause on termination.

Post ID: @hxup+10jUaNai

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