Thread regarding University of Alaska Anchorage layoffs

(Science Friday) What’s Next For The University Of Alaska System?

"Johnsen says the new model would streamline curricula and student services as well as create a single college for each major field of study throughout the university system. Johnsen says the plan saves money by eliminating a lot of administrative costs."

| 931 views | | 1 reply (August 3, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+10mkV9jm

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Trolling for Students in Budget-Ravaged Alaska.

"SUNY Online, the New York system's distance learning arm, paid for a sponsored post on Facebook."

“Worried about the future of Alaska’s universities?” the post said. “SUNY is accepting students now. You can bring the State University of New York home with you and complete your degree from a name you can trust, 100% online!”

Post ID: @caw+10mkV9jm

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