Thread regarding Kaiser Permanente layoffs

Ga layoffs 2020 pharmacy

What is the union meeting about on 9/28. Will there be layoffs in GA? What departments?

| 2707 views | | 3 replies (last September 14, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+11f3oy8z

3 replies (most recent on top)

There is a reduction in force currently happening in pharmacy in mid Atlantic region. Uggh. It’s awful

Post ID: @5Hwkw+11f3oy8z

what a nightmare company. bunch of mo–n running this company. I wonder how they get anything done here.

Post ID: @jxar+11f3oy8z

I was never union, nor do I work at this toxic company anymore...however the DEA raids across California will be interesting...I have heard that folks were sharing badges for access. Just IT side trying to discern what the ?? is going on.

Post ID: @8gbo+11f3oy8z

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