AES Petersburg is to layoff 120 people by 2023. They stated they are looking at retiring Unit 1 by 2021 and Unit 2 by 2023 we were told In November of 2019. No further information has been relayed to anyone - all just still in the dark as usual. Petersburg is making money, but it is a coal fired power plant and does not "fit" in their "green" portfolio even though it pays most of the their "green" ideas. Have to wait and see what happens.
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AES will also lay-off in clean energy. They have purchased some real dogs. The cost to construct will go through the roof. I predict that some of these projects may even go bankrupt like Alto Maipo. AES is a poorly managed company with the Venezuelan Mafia goons running the place. They are over hiring in clean energy. It’s absolute insanity.
Local paper stated that 30 to 40 to be laid off by June 2021 and 80 to 90 by June 2023. This will devastate the local town and certain contract companies that work for IPL. Still no information from the company if they are going to offer something to those about ready to retire. I feel they jumped in feet first on this without really thinking it out (as usual on anything they do). But I wouldn't hold my breath with this company - your just a number to them.
There goes the electric rates in Indianapolis - good luck.
Just seen where it states that Unit 1 will be done June 2021 and Unit 2 June 2023. Still no answer as to how layoffs will be handled and if the are going to offer a buyout or something to employees that have their points or are about ready to retire. Still in the dark.