Thread regarding Alliance Resource Partners L.P. layoffs

184 to be laid off by Jan15th

Alliance coal sent WARN notices to 184 coal miners at their Gibson Indiana mine on Friday 11/15/19 stating that 184 will be laid off on Jan 15th. The really laid all of them off Friday, but will continue to pay them until Jan 15th with full benefits until then also. They can't apply of take another job until Jan 15th though in order to receive the payments/benefits.

| 952 views | | 3 replies (last March 15, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+123nubzM

3 replies (most recent on top)

Are they going to be doing anymore layoffs at any of their other mines? More specifically at HCC (White Oak) in IL?

Post ID: @1Wkao+123nubzM

That maybe true but the US cannot run without coal to an extent. The "green energy" can not meet the electrical needs of ourd.

Post ID: @2rpw+123nubzM

Coal is a dying industry regardless of what Trump says. The people who believe otherwise need to wake up and prepare to find jobs in other industries.

Post ID: @1iuh+123nubzM

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