Thread regarding ADT Corp. layoffs

ADT Layoffs 2020

This is a master thread about ADT Layoffs 2020? Any news or rumors?

| 2081 views | | 2 replies (last June 7, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+125O3wKg

2 replies (most recent on top)

In the UK ADT In my opinion due to poor management skills in Johnson controls who took them over some time ago are making all departments redundant. Engineers have been given voluntary redundancy and 45% of commercial sellers have just been given the push. In really active and profitable market even through the recent issues it tantamount to a scandal. Think that billing customers for services they are not giving then not issuing and credits is poor and immoral. Keep away from shares in this organisation as its just a natter of time till dome one is k–led due to lack of service and care on the life systems they sell and don’t maintain.

Post ID: @3ganw+125O3wKg

As of today 90 service engineers being made redundant and min 20/30 of install to be made redundant and if work doesn't pick up there will be more to follow in next couple months at momment worst company they preach zero harm and treat engineers like sh–e

Post ID: @2Mots+125O3wKg

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