Thread regarding GameStop Corp. layoffs

GameStop Layoffs 2020

Anyone would care to chime in with a prediction about potential GameStop Layoffs 2020? Any news or rumors?

| 2136 views | | 5 replies (last February 29, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+125mUksf

5 replies (most recent on top)

I've never seen so many cases of Stockholm syndrome than I do with the delusional Game Stop employees.

Post ID: @1Fyta+125mUksf

Who would have imagined that over a decade of management treating both their customers and employees with contempt would ultimately lead to failure?

Post ID: @10cks+125mUksf

"a bit untrue" he says. they pretty much confirmed 250 store closings and to expect a huge number more. It may not be half but it may as well be. Bite the bullet now and find new jobs.

Post ID: @qvug+125mUksf

The closing half the stores bit is untrue. Internet trolls and disgruntled former employees trying to cause panic. In 2020 stores that have a zero contribution, stores that have a store in the same immediate area (same strip, across the street from one another) will be closed. If you're in a store that's not one of which I described you are likely okay.

Post ID: @gtyx+125mUksf

Closing about half their stores (2000) fiscal year February 2020

Post ID: @fuag+125mUksf

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