Do you predict that there will be ENI Layoffs 2020? Any news or rumors?
1 reply
For those of us lucky enough to work for EIRL, the esteemed expatriate staff employer of “international, highly skilled…high quality and mobile..key resources” for the Eni group, it seems that, for most of the 800 or so of us, our time is up.
As a gesture of good will for our years of loyal dedicated service, we are rewarded with a “handsome” statutory redundancy package composed solely in line with the UK legislation, a maximum of £538 per year of service. As always, Eni are going against the norm and group think of other major operators, who may dare to offer their employees redundancy packages with reasonable perks, such as 2, 3,4, 5 or even 6 weeks of pay per year of service (and, by the way, not capped at an arbitrarily low statutory level), repatriation, health insurance, re-employment assistance etc…
Surely I will remember their compassionate treatment when I eventually decide to re-enter the workforce, after having had enough time to frit away the hundreds of pounds I shall receive as a result of this redundancy.
What an absolute joke…