Thread regarding Virtusa Corp. layoffs

Virtusa and Google

Did Virtusa sign a multi-year deal with Google?

| 1321 views | | 1 reply (November 26, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+12cRYe7Y

1 reply

Only thing I found was this.

Google Cloud Platform + Virtusa
End-to-end transformational change at a scale and speed that defies traditional IT.

Virtusa is a Google Cloud Premier Partner, offering services across the cloud journey. Exploiting its digital technology expertise, Virtusa helps customers drive innovation, scale and agility by accelerating their adoption of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), using industry best practices along with built in solution accelerators. With a deep digital engineering heritage, Virtusa builds cloud-native, microservices-based, pre-built solutions and APIs on Kubernetes, as well as machine learning and data-oriented applications. We also provide end-to-end Managed Cloud Services and Cloud Operations Design, using the best-of-breed tools for Cloud Cost Optimization, Security, and more.

Post ID: @1qnh+12cRYe7Y

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