That's the rumor I am hearing, at the same time I know that the business is good - so, not sure what's correct.
4 replies (most recent on top)
Yep - my role in NYC got "elimiated" 11/4/2020 received decent severance, which is ok,
Classical bait-switch. Got a text from boss, inviting me for an overdue 1-1 catch-up.
When I dialed in, and saw also an HR person on the call, I immediately knew.
Got fired over Zoom with my boss and HR
Good thing I still had a lot of accrued unused vacation, so that got paid out.
Looks like its happening
Was “payed off” 11/4/2020 dude to restructuring. My position was eliminated. As if my mom passing away mid October and on intermittent FMLA for mental health wasn’t already enough of a toll.
They have started today.