Thread regarding Wyndham Worldwide Corp. layoffs

How many people work at Wyndham?

Info request - what's the total headcount at the co? How many people are employed at Parsippany?

| 1061 views | | 2 replies (last April 5, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+13c5r27m

2 replies (most recent on top)

Well none of the managers work so you can't count them lol

Post ID: @18ipf+13c5r27m

SOURCE 10K for 2019

As of December 31, 2018 , we had approximately 16,200 employees, including approximately 1,200 employees outside of the United States. Approximately 7% of our employees are subject to collective bargaining agreements governing their employment with our Company.

Post ID: @Pmwp+13c5r27m

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