How many people work at the company? How about the headquarters at Las Vegas?
2 replies (most recent on top)
much less today
no work for anyone
December 31, 2019
Employee Relations
We have approximately 64,000 employees throughout our organization. Approximately 27,000 of our employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements
SEC Annual Report
For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2019
Union Info:
Culinary Employees Employee Count: 12,500 - Culinary Workers Union, Local 226 May 31, 2023
Atlantic City Food & Beverage and Hotel Employees - Employee Count - 3,000 Union: UNITE HERE, Local 54 February 28, 2020
Las Vegas Bartenders Employee Count: 1,200 Union: Bartenders Union, Local 165 May 31, 2023
Las Vegas Dealers - Employee count: 2,400 - Union: United Auto Workers N/A - Currently in negotiations