Thread regarding Carnival Corp. layoffs

How many people work at Carnival?

What's the biggest location, what's the overall employee count and how many employees work at Miami?

| 2077 views | | 1 reply (February 12, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+13ckWMjs

1 reply

See the 10K for 2020... Anyhow:

  1. Employees

Our shipboard and shoreside employees are sourced from over 100 countries.

Excluding employees on leave, we have an average of 92,000 employees onboard the 104 ships we operate, which includes crew members and officers.

Our shoreside operations have an average of 12,000 full-time and 2,000 part-time/seasonal employees, including seasonal employees of Holland America Princess Alaska Tours which significantly increases its work force during the late spring and summer months in connection with the Alaskan cruise season.

We have entered into agreements with unions covering certain employees on our ships and in our shoreside hotel and transportation operations.

The percentages of our shipboard and shoreside employees that are represented by collective bargaining agreements are 58% and 22%, respectively.

We consider our employee and union relationships to be strong.

We source our shipboard officers primarily from Italy, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany and Norway.

The remaining crew positions are sourced from around the world, with the largest contingent from the Philippines, Indonesia and India.

We utilize a limited number of manning agencies to help locate and hire most of our shipboard employees.


Post ID: @hruf+13ckWMjs

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