Thread regarding Dell EMC (EMC Corp.) layoffs

Will there be layoffs this week?

I keep worrying we are far from done...

| 2674 views | | 2 replies (last February 4, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+13lTsbkQ

2 replies (most recent on top)

As with 2019 and previous new years, there are again layoffs at Dell/EMC/RSA this January 2020. The management spin on this was to fund our product's movement to the Cloud. This may be an effort by Dell for the RSA business unit to appear more profitable in their efforts to unload it in a "$1 Billion Dollar Short Sale."

Post ID: @mpx+13lTsbkQ

Plus, I heard a rumor but I'm hoping it turns out false.

Post ID: @ibj+13lTsbkQ

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