Thread regarding Office Depot layoffs

Watch out Field Sales Group

Watch out B2B Field Sales Team. This is a perfect storm for this company to change the B2B sales structure. They will let go all field sales rep and goes to inside sales structure. Customers are train to deal with telesales group right now and loose the value of field sales team... Start updating your resume now before it happens in the near future.

| 2848 views | | 3 replies (last April 11, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+141GGSlH

3 replies (most recent on top)

Any update on this?

Post ID: @pgdr+141GGSlH

BSD layoffs set to begin in April. All low wage corporate customer and sales rep support roles being moved offshore

Post ID: @1elj+141GGSlH

BSD layoffs set to begin in April. All low wage corporate customer and sales rep support roles being moved offshore

Post ID: @1lck+141GGSlH

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