Thread regarding Darden Restaurants Inc. layoffs

Darden emergency pay

When will it be distributed I haven't gotten anything I thought i was apart of the family

| 1583 views | | 1 reply (March 21, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+144ckzEm

1 reply

At least your not a new employee like I am I just started working for Darden and I'm on a "temporary leave of absence until its safe." That was a week ago because the government forced all nonessentials to shutdown. This krowd app said I'm not even eligible at all even though I was forced out of my job. I thought the emergency pay program was for "All Darden hourly employees." My GM told me when they shutdown last week "sometimes you gotta do, what you gotta do" I'm guessing he's telling me to go and commit crimes to feed my family. It's really sad I came to this company because I heard they treat their employees with respect, look out for each other like a family and promote hard workers from within but it seems to me they don't care about "family" and I was willing to work extremely hard for them for 20+ years. On my first week I saved the company from 5 slip and fall lawsuits that they would've had to payout to the customers because everyone is to lazy to get a wet floor sign. Hope you get the emergency pay unfortunately "I gotta do, what I gotta do."

Post ID: @1sab+144ckzEm

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