Thread regarding DSW Inc. layoffs

DSW lays off 80% of their employees

DSW just laid off 80% of its employees with no severance. So much for the DSW values of humility and collaboration. We have all been blindsided. Their website says: Let’s look out for each other. Guess they decided we weren’t worth looking out for. They clearly didn’t respond to this crisis like Target, Walmart, Amazon, etc

| 5791 views | | 15 replies (last October 19, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+149kVHrN

15 replies (most recent on top)

Wonder if they even given employees any type of severance

Post ID: @3mpid+149kVHrN

So totally new to this site. I own a little bit of DBI stock....just for grins. I do enjoy following capital markets but also very much feel for the everyday person. Also a gen x’r fwiw

i’ve read through many of the comments regarding the company and many of them might be true I’m not negating any of the claims. You need to remember that this pandemic RESPONSE is what required many of these companies to close. If all of a sudden biz slows by can you possibly stay fully staffed. Also companies have been adjusting to they have to not only invest in their stores....they also have to invest in online. That $hit ain’t cheap.

Remember is ultimately a DEFLATIONARY force. We can do more with greedy corporations are trying to do the same with less. The more people shop online at places like Amazon another nail in the coffin of all these retail jobs. Understanding totally tgat I do not fault families (at all) for shopping online to save themselves money. We gotta do what we gotta do. Maybe govt and anti trust or a new tax scheme can help ease this eventual outcome....

There was a comment about how Amazon target and Walmart were able to better respond. Well that’s not a fair comparison, because they were deemed an essential service, when many other small businesses or not. This is in very important fact I can’t be overlooked. If you want to boycott DSW go for it but that’s not gonna help make any change at the company it’s only gonna speed the process to bankruptcy. So if you want the last 20% to be gone then sure....then don’t shop there or in protest.

Side note....none of this excuses mismanagement by the company of its balance sheet which puts them more in a pickle today.

Post ID: @2Olft+149kVHrN

DSW started as great company to work for but with this recent pandemic they showed all their hard working employees how they really felt. From putting 80% of their workers on furlough to the silence of the recent inequality of races( and no I do not care about them putting black influencers on the front page of website)to now demoting their full time workers to part time. It’s a mess to me and let’s not start on the consistent over workload if people only knew they wouldn’t support this company.

Post ID: @2chbr+149kVHrN

After knowing this, I will not give them my business.

Post ID: @29ldy+149kVHrN

Post ID: @zmgs+149kVHrN

It’s interesting that their CEO is currently partying it up at his vacation house in Hilton Head. This company DOES not care about their employees.

Post ID: @rrlv+149kVHrN

This place is horrible. Now we have to work on Easter Sunday to fill orders! No care or concern or appreciation of those they “kept”. Do not support this company. Roger and top brass are only concerned about $$$ in their own pocket. Show a little empathy and compassion to your store team that is k–ling themselves for you.

Post ID: @bfxc+149kVHrN

Roger Rawlins and his team of pencilnecks are all traitors and only have allegiance to the almighty dollar. Don’t buy anything from these greedy heartless corporate sharks. They don’t give a damn about anybody but themselves

Post ID: @bvya+149kVHrN

Post ID: @3joe+149kVHrN

Yup, we’re being laid off and have no clue when we will be employed again

Post ID: @2eem+149kVHrN

DSW should not be entitled to any federal bailout money.

Post ID: @1brg+149kVHrN

The management are all liars and thieves. Find a better company to work for. They are not hiring most of you back

Post ID: @1abu+149kVHrN

Perfect example of the selfishness of business “leaders”. Good luck with your supply chain to Chinese slave labor and all the other third world labor pools

Post ID: @1ftr+149kVHrN

Here’s a perfect example of a global company that doesn’t give a damn about American workers. What 20% of the company do you think is still being paid? Things need to change in a big way. Boycott DSW stores after they reopen

Post ID: @1pqn+149kVHrN

I am a DSW employee who was cut. I wasn’t at work today but received the call. Did they state why they made this drastic decision? I mean I know WHY ($$) but what verbiage they used. It seems to me while we had our doors closed to the public we had way more online orders than we could fulfill while we were in the building.

Post ID: @dev+149kVHrN

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