Thread regarding Albert Einstein Medical Center layoffs

Furloughs Due to Coronavirus at AEMC

This is happening. Not sure where this will take us.

Many hospitals and medical centers are suffering - many procedures, especially the elective ones are being cancelled and folks are losing jobs.

Let's hope things bounce back soon.

| 1165 views | | 10 replies (last August 3, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+14W3KxPP

10 replies (most recent on top)

Still have not heard a peep from anyone in management or HR.

Post ID: @1kqay+14W3KxPP

Has anyone heard anything new regarding furloughed workers or layoffs?

Post ID: @1frgc+14W3KxPP

Many nurses are being sent home if not enough cases and must use their vacation time up instead of going home and not getting paid.
They must be pairing down their balance sheets for the bean counters not fair.Its sounds to me like they are preparing not to call back many not all furlough workers.

Post ID: @17otq+14W3KxPP

I had to switch to the PEUC version. Pandemic emergency UC. That gives me an additional 13 weeks of benefits. I received a letter in the mail with the website and I had to create a new account. You should be getting a letter soon if your benefits are ending.

Post ID: @17kvh+14W3KxPP

Well I have received same letter but no definite time start back getting scary and my unemployment runs out next week

Post ID: @16duf+14W3KxPP

I received a generic letter addressed to all furloughed workers stating to expect for the furlough to last through the end of July. I have not heard from HR still. I am getting unemployment but it's set to run out soon. Even if the furlough lasts through the fall I'm okay with it if it's guaranteed I'd still have my position there. However, I'd really like to get back to work.

Post ID: @16qiy+14W3KxPP

Layoffs soon no call backs furloughs are going to last thru fall hospital is bleeding money are you able to collect unemployment when you were furloughed or did hospital fight lt.
It’s sure cheaper to collect and not receive a paycheck for employer

Post ID: @15nto+14W3KxPP

I don't know of any personally. I'm waiting to hear something.

Post ID: @Dtzl+14W3KxPP

I was put on furlough on April 26th. It's supposed to end June 30th but I have not received any phone calls or correspondence from HR as of yet.

Post ID: @zwmp+14W3KxPP

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