Thread regarding Wyndham Worldwide Corp. layoffs

Whoever posted layoffs at corporate

Name someone who got laid off.

| 4207 views | | 13 replies (last April 2, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+14bUNeGV

13 replies (most recent on top)

Same here. Looking at legal options around warn laws. Very unethical to do this during these unprecented events.

Post ID: @6ywo+14bUNeGV

My position, and six of my coworkers were eliminated last week. WD corporate office.

Post ID: @4boi+14bUNeGV

Agree with previous posts. Wyndham intentionally does not keep employees who are competent In their fields. To allow the current leadership to maintain the power and prevent discovery of corporate fraud.

Post ID: @3hdq+14bUNeGV

Agree with previous posts. Wyndham intentionally does not keep employees who are competent In their fields. To allow the current leadership to maintain the power and prevent discovery of corporate fraud.

Post ID: @3ljb+14bUNeGV

Agreed Wyndham Destinations is a very unethical company. I know of at least 2 employees who discovered internal, unethical behavior and reported to the internal ethics organization and were then termed.


Post ID: @3oli+14bUNeGV

Could not agree more with the long post on this thread. This comment specifically:

"These people for the most part are frauds at best. They lack any understanding of technology, live like it is the 1970’s and poor direction by this Director and his “Special kind of stupid Manager who reports to him” are completely clueless."

Post ID: @3aza+14bUNeGV

I was just headhunted to work at Wyndham Destinations with grandiose promises of a culture of care and coming together in a time of need. I have been working 12-hour days six to seven days a week. The Salaried staff (me) were working remotely and this morning the Director who lured me from my stable and skyrocketing career sent me an IM asking for my cell number to touch base. I answered and he told me “I’m fired effective now”. I was speechless as I am more knowledgeable than him. He said my work was more than satisfactory “it was nice knowing you”. I need to return my equipment, I was targeted due to a health issue. These people for the most part are frauds at best. They lack any understanding of technology, live like it is the 1970’s and poor direction by this Director and his “Special kind of stupid Manager who reports to him” are completely clueless. This is a scam operation of the elite enriching themselves at the expense of dedicated professionals. I would never recommend working there no matter what they promise you. You can save them $2.7M and they feel threatened because you understand their job better than they do. As a publicly traded company it will be interesting to watch the response as the documentation supporting this is soon released.

Post ID: @1uhb+14bUNeGV

The last day i worked i was told at the end of my shift that i was being laid off for a few weeks they also said it could be for a few montgs

Post ID: @wgn+14bUNeGV

6,000 worldwide layoffs and furloughs

Post ID: @wnq+14bUNeGV

wyndham hotels & resorts, formally hotel group, laying off yesterday and today

Post ID: @wje+14bUNeGV

Impacts in CRM, Brand, Web, and Digital.

Post ID: @nxf+14bUNeGV

I know an individual that was severed today (3/27) at RCI Timeshares a Wyndham Destinations company. I would have thought Wyndham Destinations would be better than this.

Post ID: @hdk+14bUNeGV

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Post ID: @bkw+14bUNeGV

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