Thread regarding Concho Resources Inc. layoffs

How many will be laid off?

Concho was planning to cut spending by 33 percent even before this whole pandemic thing hit. Now that's a whole lot of layoffs right there. But add to that all the losses caused by the current crisis... I'm scared things might turn out much worse than any of us have been imagining.

I hope I'm wrong about this, but I doubt it.

| 3002 views | | 3 replies (last May 10, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+14fvFyp8

3 replies (most recent on top)

They love those millennials. Hire them right out of those worthless degree programs, pay them big bucks, then promote them to management within 3-5 years. They have no management experience. They have no life experience. They’re NOT the cream of the crop. They’re friends or family members of those who matter. A lot of ‘who’s your daddy?, And those with experience are pushed out instead of being valued or even utilized as mentors. I guess it’s not rocket science, so who needs experience?

Post ID: @Ejzb+14fvFyp8

what about those terminated after 5+ years of dedication to the company and its success; and recognized by upper management for their excellence - all before this 55+ package offer. It's all about the numbers game and not quality of work. Out of luck. Concho is set up with attorneys to protect the company and put the long-term employees out on the street with little to nothing for their loyalty and dedication. Says company isn't interested in experience, just robot-training. Millennials should pay attention and learn from this what their company is truly about. BEWARE !!!! iT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS !!!! Many others support this comment !!!

Post ID: @Asub+14fvFyp8

You're exactly right. Be prepared for anything at this point.

  • Automation Tech
Post ID: @uqr+14fvFyp8

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