Thread regarding Gannett Co. Inc. layoffs

Layoff good employees and keep the bad?????? WTF Gannett!!!!!!!

I was told last week I have to cut two employees, sad news indeed and a managers nightmare.... I don't like to see anyone go but it was dictated by the Crystal Palace so I had no choice.

So the names were selected by poor performance and attendance and the names were submitted to the Palace. They were quickly denied and the last in first out rule was enacted ...… we get to keep the two worst employees and lose the two best! Way to go Gannett you s—!

| 3394 views | | 3 replies (last April 24, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+14h5UNQS

3 replies (most recent on top)

Thanks to the guilds and unions for protecting seniority over performance...not the crystal palace!

Post ID: @mcoa+14h5UNQS

At least you are an honest manager, I was a very dedicated employee and no issues with attendance or performance. My manager kept most of his favorites no matter how they performed.

Post ID: @4ntx+14h5UNQS

Sounds typical for Gannett. Why bother to ask your opinion if they were not going to take your advice. The “last hired, first fired” method isn’t always the best choice. I don’t like to see anyone lose their job, especially when the nation is in the middle of a pandemic, however, there are some employees that show more initiative and have a higher work ethic than others. They put their heart into their work and genuinely care about the company and the people they work side-by-side with. These are the employees they need to keep.

Post ID: @dda+14h5UNQS

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